I have three books I haven't reviewed so I'm going to do quick ones of each in order to get caught up *again*.

The thing I liked about this book was how involved I got with the characters. It's quite a long book and Susan Hill uses that length to give a lot of background information on not only the main police characters but also the victims of the crimes. You feel as though you know them and thus the shock when various of them die is quite profound. Interspersed with the normal narrative are short chapters written in the first person by the killer. This added to the suspense and although I did guess who the culprit was quite early on, it in no way ruined my enjoyment. I found the book atmospheric, well written, and even creepy in places and thought it a superb beginning to the Simon Serailler crime series; I already have the second one on my library pile.

I read this YA book while away on holiday and as such it fitted the bill of being a light, humorous read. The author, Catherine Webb, wrote her first book at 14 and this is her fifth, written when she was 20 in 2006. Two more books about Horatio Lyle have already been written. I find this impressive and the young lady obviously has quite a future ahead of her. I would say the books are very much aimed at young adults and perhaps lack a certain depth that you might find in books for older people. But that's fine and I rather enjoyed this easy, undemanding, holiday read.
No pic of Miss Mapp by E.F. Benson as the copy I've just finished is an ancient old library book. Devon library services only had one copy in the whole of Devon - that was in Exeter and the library assitant had to go down into the bowels of the building to get it for me. What a shame that *apparently* no one is much interested in these delightful Mapp and Lucia books any more.
Anyway, this is book two in the series set, and written, in the 1920s. The first was about 'Lucia', living in the village of Riseholme and in this one we meet 'Miss Mapp', living in the village of Tilling. Miss Mapp is a busy-body. She keeps an eye on the comings and goings in the village from the window of her garden room. She also interferes in the lives of her friends, none of whom are very much better than her to be frank. All live off gossip and speculation and this is basically what the book is all about... the day to day happenings, relationships and petty feuds with friends and neighbours.
Delightful. Benson was clearly a very good observer of the foibles of his fellow human beings - these people are very real, good hearted some of them, but often with selfish motives. Issues such as food hoarding before the coal strike, drinking to excess, and how to clothe oneself when money was short are dealt with in a sympathetic and humorous way. I think I have one more book to read, Lucia in London, and then the two finally meet. Can't wait.
well, your reading hasn't slowed down any lol.. I see you are on a mystery kick!
I have come to the conclusion that YA authors come up with some of the best character names! I love the name Horatio Lyle.. that name alone would make me pick up the book and check it out.
I finally finished Inkdeath .. all I can say is Cornelia Funke is really a fantastic story teller!
Hi Pat. Yep, I am reading a few mysteries at the moment. Also have a couple of books left over from my RIP challenge that I still want to read - The Thirteenth Tale and Jamaica Inn. The weather's good for that kind of reading. LOL.
Isn't that a wonderful name? I would never have dreamt that up in a million years.
Will keep an eye out for your review of Inkdeath... hoping to read the second book before Christmas *and* see that film before they bury it forever!
This is what drives me crazy about libraries and bookstores. It's all about new. Clear out the old because no one has read them in a long time. But at least where I live, no one gives readers a chance. They are hidden far, far away just as you noted. Who is going to go way down cellar when they don't have time, or inclination, or knowledge of the treasures which await them? I'd have a table out front of the main desk, with a rotation of older books, if I ruled the world. And I'd cull the new books!
I love the sound of all three books! I've been seeing Susan Hill's name around a lot lately...I really want to try her. I think I'll start with The Woman in Black. I'd heard of Catherine Webb too, but I had no idea she'd started writing so young!
It's always so sad when a good book becomes nearly impossible to find. Which was why the news about this deal between Google and publishers is so exciting. Hopefully before long all those almost forgotten out of print titles will be available as e-books.
nymeth: for very old, out of print and copywrite, this sounds fantastic!.. however, like just about everything else, it would worry me to scan in any books that aren't way past publishing years. Someone always finds a way to hack or get a hold of things, make them public and then the writer has lost his income. It could turn into disaster.
I've added the Susan Hill book to my amazon cart - it sounds great! Thanks for the review.
Nan: I completely agree with you about having a table in the library with older books that people have perhaps forgotten. Think what treasures there might be.
Nymeth: The Woman in Black is so worth reading! An absolute classic in the ghost story genre and written in the style of the Victorian supernatural writers.
Tara: I hope you enjoy The Various Haunts of Men when you get to it. I certainly thought it was an excellent start to the series and can't wait to read more. Have you any idea what has happened to Susan Hill's blog?
Cath, I've read the Simon Serailler books and I like the way I get involved with the characters too.
Most of the books I borrow from the library are in the Reserve Stock and yes they're down in the basement!
I read on DoveGreyReader's blog in the comments on one post that Susan Hill has given up blogging. Such a shame that she has removed all the posts as well. It's always a puzzle when blogs just stop.
Booksplease: thanks for enlightening me about Susan Hill's blog. One minute it was there, the next gone! It's curious, you'd have thought she'd have said 'something'.
I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of Her Simon Serailler books though.
I really liked the Susan Hill book and just wrote about it! Thanks.
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