Friday 10 October 2014

Scotland pics

OK, well I've been trying to get around to posting a few photos of our trip to Scotland all week. Things always conspire but at last I have a moment to do it. It was an absolutely gorgeous week, we explored to our heart's content, went a lot further than we expected, and also fitted in an afternoon visit to some close friends. It was such a nice week, made all the better by good weather which broke the day after we left. We couldn't have timed that better. As regards the photos you'll get a much better idea if you click on each one for a bigger photo.

Anyway, first up I had to take a pic of the rather nice view from our hotel room (Premier Inn, Inverness West, if anyone's interested).

That first afternoon we took a quick ride down the road to see Loch Ness, and here it is in all its moody glory.

Day two and after studying the map (I'm the map geek of the family) we realised that a trip across the mountains to the west coast was not at all out of the question. Good decision, fabulous views all the way. This is Loch Glascarnoch.

Moody skies and dark hills all around...

Further along the road, Loch Droma.

More stunning mountain views.

Loch Broom with Ullapool in the distance.

Ullapool itself. I rather liked this quiet, unassuming town. Quite isolated but with *such* a gorgeous setting.

The view up the loch from Ullapool towards the Atlantic.

Moody Loch Broom.

These next two photos fit together. They show the coastal view over Little Loch Broom towards Loch Broom (where we'd been that morning) with tiny islands. A quintessential coastal Scottish view I think. The rain had set in and it was looking very atmospheric.

So that was our first glorious day and that's enough for this post. More soon.



DesLily said...

thank you for the photos!! I had to laugh.. if it weren't for the photo of the one small town I would think there is no one living in Scotland LOL..( but I know Sean Connery is there somewhere!)... a touch disappointed that you didn't get to see Nessie... humph. lol. Really glad you enjoyed your vacation!! Are there more photo's to come? :)

BooksPlease said...

Beautiful, Cath! I love the skies, so large and atmospheric. Looking forward to seeing more of your photos.

And sorry DesLily, but Sean Connery doesn't live in Scotland - try the Bahamas or Los Angeles.

Penny O'Neill said...

What a fabulous visual and written treat! Thank you. More. More

Cath said...

Pat: Truthfully, Scotland is not full of people. Only 4 million I think and they're mostly in the cities. We saw very few people on our travels this day. Yes, more photos to come.

Margaret: Glad you enjoyed the photos.

I thought Sean Connery lived in Switzerland but thinking about it he probably has houses in all the places you mention too. I wonder if he even has a house in Scotland...

Penny: So glad you enjoyed the post.

Peggy Ann said...

Lovely photos, Cath! I can't wait to go myself. Next May!

Cath said...

Peggy: Thank you. It's wonderful that you'll be in Scotland next May. I know you'll love it.

DesLily said...

just searched... would you believe Connery lives in the Bahamas?!!! But does have a home in LA and I believe in Scotland.. but mostly stays in the Bahamas wow...kinda bummed about t hat lol

Cath said...

Pat: Oh Margaret is right, he does live in The Bahamas. Which means he's closer to you than me, Pat! LOL!!!! He seems to have stopped making films. I suppose he's now pretty elderly.

DesLily said...

oh, he officially retired a few years ago.. He turned 84 the end of August.

DesLily said...

btw.. he's still not close enough heh.

Cath said...

Ah right, I didn't hear about that. I kind of thought he was older than 84. LOL!

Susan said...

*happy sigh* Those are gorgeous photos, Cath! I love the moody atmospheric, and rainy ones, the lochs ones....oh all of them, really. Beautiful. Where did you go on your trip? other than to Loch Ness, of course, and Ullapool? Did you drive or take the train up? This is because Toby one day wants to go back to Scotland and we are always curious on the best way to get there. We'd take the train of course since neither of us drive. Dreams.....

Cath said...

Glad you liked them, Susan. I was quite surprised at the colours of the clouds that came out in the photos.

We flew up and hired a car in Inverness. We could have driven up but it's a 'long' trip and P wasn't sure our car was up to it. (We've since changed it.)

I have more pics to post of the other places we saw. Bust next week with halfterm so it'll have to be the week after.