This is the book many fans of De Lint's 'Newford' series suggest you start with if you're going to read this urban fantasy series. I don't know if that's right or wrong, only that it seemed to give me an excellent introduction to the people that inhabit this universe. 'Newford' is a city, peopled by all kinds of weird and wonderful characters who recur and are connected throughout the books. Christy Riddell, a writer and collector of folk tales and myths, is a focal point but so is a friend of his, Jilly Coppercorn, who is close to Christy's brother, Geordie. Their friends come into it and there are many stand alone stories but always there is a link somewhere. And always there are fantastic things going on that shouldn't be real but just might be... It sounds confusing but I can promise you it's not. If anyone had told me I would read and love urban fantasy this much I would have laughed at them, but I do! I certainly plan to read a lot more in this series and am waiting for The Ivory and the Horn to arrive as we speak. So pleased to have discovered these books.
I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed this book! I love Charles de Lint, and I think Jilly is one of my favorite characters ever. I still get so excited when a new one of de Lint's is published - and I go back from time to time to reread old favorites. I always love to visit Newford!
I think Charles De Lint and his Newford books are my discovery of this year. Previously I'd only read one of his, The Little Country. I liked it but was not blown away, I had no idea he had such a wonderful series up his sleeve. I'm going to read these throughout the year and am so thrilled that there are a lot!
oh boy.. just what you need another series to be hooked on LOL.. I have to say I'm glad when there's more than one book to look forward to!
Do you like Gaiman too?? (Odd and the Frost Giants) Chris did a nice review on his newest and it's only out in England won't be here until October in the US. Just FYI
I kind of envy you, getting to read them all for the first time. The Little Country was the first book of his I read, and I can't remember much about it, except I liked it enough to read more when I found them. And I'm glad I did! I'll be looking forward to hearing what you think as you read more of his books.
Yeah, Pat, I *really* need another series to get hooked on... like hole in the head. LOL!!! I'm kind of ambivilent about Gaiman. I like his short stories, not so keen on his novels. But will go and look at Chris's review in a minute.
Hi Darla. Yes, it's quite nice to have a whole series in front of me to savour and enjoy. I feel the same way about Laurie R. King's Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes series that I just started on. I think I have a really nice year of reading ahead of me.
I LOVE the Mary Russell books - I'm glad to hear you are enjoying them, too. :-)
The more I hear about de Lint, the more I want to read him. Thanks for the review.
Darla: I certainly am loving these books. :-)
Jeane: I think the general consenus is that De Lint's output varies. Some of his stand alone books are just 'okay' and no more. Whereas his Newford series is generally loved by most people who read them.
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