I feel as though I've been AWOL from the bloggisphere this last week. I have been around but not as much as usual as we've had family staying - my eldest daughter and her family. Anyway, it's been a super week with some very variable weather but Thursday morning was absolutely gorgeous so we took a stroll along the Great Western Canal which runs for eleven miles from Tiverton into the countryside. This is actually only part of a canal, the original plan was to join Bristol to the south coast but they ran out of money, so only our bit got built. The whole length of the canal is now a country park, a haven for wildlife, and a lovely place to spend some time. Here're a few pics including, for Maureen and Juliet, a couple of Devon gates!

Spot the moorhens!

It's the flag season so these lovely yellow flowers are all along the banks.

Certainly this is a place for people who love bridges - which includes me.

Two gates in 'mid-Devon' as promised.

The battery on my camera decided to run out then, which is probably just as well. But anyway, a brief glimpse of my part of the world for anyone who might be interested.
Normal service to be resumed tomorrow. I actually finished a book!
Ooooh, those pictures are gorgeous! I wish I had scenery like that around here. There's nothing like that over here I'm afraid...just a bunch of city. I think I'm in need of a vacation :/
Fantastic pictures, Cath. I love bridges and, of course, leaning on Devon gates! I haven't walked along that towpath. would that be a good venue for our Devon bloggers' picnic? (If the weather ever settles.)
Ohhhhhhh Cath! Beautiful beautiful!!! and this is near you??? *sigh* I'd never have the need to leave!
Hi Chris, glad you like the pics. I suppose we are quite lucky here in Devon because it is very pretty nearly everyhere.
Yes, Maureen, it could easily be a place for the Devon bloggers' picnic. Aside from walking there's also a nice little canal boat trip with the boat being pulled by a shire horse. And there are several nice picnic areas. You might even see a kingfisher if you're lucky.
Yes, it's right on my doorstep, Pat. Quite a nice amenity for everyone to enjoy.
Lucy you! It's just stunning.
Tara: I think it's lovely too but then I suppose I am a bit biased. :-)
Beautiful! I'm quite jealous...
To tell the truth, Simon, as I expect you know, Tiverton is not really one of the prettiest towns in the South West. *But* it has its attractions and as a place to live and bring up a family it's actually quite nice.
What lovely views! I'd love to have somewhere like that to walk!!
Thanks, Danielle! It is very pretty there and I know how lucky we are. :-)
Of all the things I love about England, I would put footpaths at the top. I so long to walk there. Thank you for those beautiful pictures. I remember seeing moorhens with my kids sixteen years ago.
Glad you liked the photos, Nan. I think we do casual walking and footpaths well in the UK. Whereas in America you do serious hiking and wilderness trails better than us.
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