From the bottom:
Crossed Bones by Jane Johnson is a historical involving Cornwall in the 17th. century and a girl who gets kidnapped by pirates and taken off to Morocco. I think I first saw it blogged about on Random Jottings but also in several other places since.
Hearts and Minds by Rosy Thornton was, I think, the author's first book. I thought I'd give this a try after enjoying her recent book, Crossed Wires.
The Buccaneers by Edith Wharton was borrowed purely because I loved The House of Mirth and felt it was time I read something else by Wharton.
The Spook's Battle by Joe Delaney is book four in the author's YA horror series about an apprentice spook ( a sort of wizard who sorts out people's demon problems.) Good series.
The Circle by Peter Lovesey is a crime yarn about a writing circle. The author's crime stories are excellent and this one really appeals.
It's Only the Sister by Angela du Maurier is an autobiography of Daphne du Maurier's sister, Angela. I like the sound of it.
Touchstone by Laurie King... well... that one's all Deslily's fault. It's not a Mary Russell book, it's a stand-alone, a thriller from what I can see. I love King's writing so am sure I will like this - just about to start it.
So that's my current library haul. Yes... I think I must be a bit mad too.
I'm glad to see you're on the bandwagon - we're not mad, just optimistic. I do get irritated by those people who reserve the books I've not finished - how could they??
It looks like a good haul. I enjoyed Hearts and Minds last year and in particular the Du Maurier book sounds interesting.
Hooray for Touchstone!! I don't know anyone who'd read i but me so I will be really anxious to hear what you think of it! She just describes everything so well you think you are there and she's made such interesting characters it's hard not to get caught up in them!
Good luck on reading all of those!
I haven't read any of them, but I like the sound of Crossed Bones in particular.
Margaret: I like that - 'we're not mad, we're optimistic'. I think that should be every reader's motto. LOL!!!
Oh yes... it seems now that every time I check on my library status online someone *else* is trying to nab a book that I've borrowed. It's happening more and more and I'm at a loss to understand it. I should be glad more people are reading... it's just that they can't have *my* library books!
The Du Maurier does look good, I agree... I'm fully expecting someone to try and grab it off me though! Arghhhh!
Pat: Laurie King is such a classy writer that I think I would like anything she wrote. I like the period that Touchstone is set in too so I'm hoping for a good read.
Kailana: thanks! I'm going to need it. :-)
Nymeth: Crossed Bones has been popular with quite a few bloggers so I'm expecting a good read. The Cornish element attracted me too of course, not to mention the pirates. :-D
I came back to wish you a very happy birthday, full of bookish gifts, loved ones and pleasant things :D
Hi, have you reviewed House of Mirth on your blog? I keep meaning to re-read this, I'd like to read your review.
Nymeth: thank you *so* much. That's really nice of you. :-)
Nicola: Yes I did review The House of Mirth. I thought it was last year but it turns out it was actually Nov. 2007. Here's the URL:
A nice set of books. I have the Du Maurier but I have still to get to it, so I'll be interested to know your thoughts. It is still print, with Truran - a small Cornish publisher,mainly of local interest books. I believe they still have one of her novels in print too, though it's a while since I checked.
I read The Buccaneers years ago and really liked it. It's not quite up to the standards of The Age of Innocence, but still very good. I'd like to read The House of Mirth this year, too.
Hi Danielle. A lot of people recommend The Age of Innocence so I must nab that from the library next time I'm in there. The House of Mirth is absolutely superb, one of those books you just cannot put down.
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