First up, my current library pile:

Two reserved books were ready to collect this morning so I had a bit of a spring-clean of the pile and took a few back that I didn't feel in the mood for right now. The resultant pile of eight books is a bit more manageable I feel. I can have twelve but when I do I tend to feel overwhelmed by them all, sitting on the shelf, eyeing me accusingly.
From top to bottom:
One Fine Day - Mollie Panter-Downes
Greenwitch - Susan Cooper
The Right Attitude to Rain - A. McCall Smith
The Careful Use of Compliments - A. McCall Smith
The Ivy Tree - Mary Stewart
44 Scotland Street - A. McCall Smith
The Janus Stone - Elly Griffiths
Remnant Population - Elizabeth Moon
It seems I'm on an Alexander McCall Smith kick at the moment!
Next up, a few recent acquisitions. I'm trying not to buy too many books at the moment and these are about all since Christmas. It's no good me putting myself on a complete ban as it just wouldn't work. Restricting myself is far more effective and the few books I am acquiring are really appreciated.

The three books from the Pitt series by Anne Perry were simply too irresistible I'm afraid. Novel Notes by Jerome K. Jerome I found in a charity shop. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was a gift from a blogger friend who just couldn't get on with this book. And Storm Front by Jim Butcher and Nightlife by Rob Thurman are really just two random buys from the fantasy and horror genre, which is a particular weakness of mine.
And last, but by no means least, a gift from Pat, (Deslily at Here, There and Everywhere), my 'sis' across the pond who knows of my weakness, not only for bookmarks, but for TV and movie actors. Three beautiful 'fannish' bookmarks, and one from her novel, to use and enjoy. I love them. Thank you, Pat.

wow.. thats some haul! I had to look up the mary stewart book.. I might send for a cheap used copy one day.. i did love the Merlin/Arthur series and liked the Rose Cottage too..
nice bookmarks LOL.. they are laminated so should some drool dribble down on them..... hehe
What a bunch of fun books, Cath and I love your bookmarks. Yum! I see you have The Janus Stone. Yea! Don't feel pressured to read it right away though. I'll be curious to see what you think about The Ivy Tree. It is definitely not my favorite of Mary Stewart's books, but many people really like it. The Anne Perry books are those beautiful new reprints aren't they? And then for the Dragon Tattoo. I loved it, but I'm beginning to hear more people who haven't been able to handle it. I'll be curious to see what your reaction is. Have fun!
I have to say I couldn't put Girl with the Dragon Tattoo down! It took me waaaaaay out of my comfort zone and it is violent and borders on misogyny in parts but I kept reading.
Hi Pat, I did wonder if that Mary Stewart book was the one you read but I see it's not. I've got one other, Touch not the Cat, here to read as well, found in a charity shop.
Yeah... *very* nice bookmarks, wonder where I got 'em... ;-)))))
Kay, I'm saving The Janus Stone for a couple of weeks as a treat. Something to really look forward to.
I've only read the Merlin trilogy by Mary Stewart so I'm curious to see whether I might like some of her other books.
Yes, the Anne Perrys are the new reprints - stunning covers. Again, those are a treat for later. I have a lot of treats lined up. LOL!
I'm so curious to see whether I like The Dragon Tattoo. I've heard such conflicting reports and the person who passed it on did not connect with it at all. We'll see.
Nicola: it's the violence which may not be my thing. I'm really squeamish, despite enjoying vampire yarns and so on.
Pat really is the best. :)
Kailana: she absolutely is. :-)
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