It is time to celebrate things that go bump in the night; that favorite detective that always gets his man, or woman, in the end; that delicious chill of a creak on the stairs, of the rogue waiting in the dark, of the full moon and the flit of bats wings.
Some categories of books that can be read for this challenge:
Dark Fantasy.
I'm going to try for:

Read four books, any length, that you feel fits my very broad definition of scary. It could be Stephen King or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Ian Fleming or Edgar Allan Poe…or anyone in between.
I haven't been reading as much as usual over the summer but I've picked up a bit now so am hoping that four books is attainable. I think so.
I've picked a pool of books to read from, though that doesn't necessarily mean I'll stick to it. *g*
Carpe Jugulum - Terry Pratchett
The Picture of Dorian Grey - Oscar Wilde
The Evil Seed - Joanne Harris
The Five Jars - M.R. James
Haggopian and other stories - Brian Lumley
Paragon Walk - Anne Perry
These are a mix of suspense, mystery, classic horror, modern horror, short stories and humour so they ought to keep my interest. A couple are cross-overs with two other challenges I have on the go... the Pratchett and the Oscar Wilde. As always with me, I would love to read all of them but doubt that will happen. Whatever, I plan to have a good time trying. Thanks to Carl for once again hosting this challenge.
Looks like a good list! I am curious to what "the five jars" is about..I'll have to check on it in amazon lol.. my recent wish list has taken a turn for the worse and more books are more expensive so needless to say I haven't purchased any in some time!
I am reading the Dracula Dossier at the moment. At times I like it and at times it seems to drag a bit but we shall see lol
It's been very hot here today, but the leaves on the trees are beginning to turn golden and fall!
Interesting books you have there. The only one I've read is The Picture of Dorian Grey, which is very good.
Pat: I don't know myself what The Five Jars is about as there's no blurb on the cover and whatever I may have read about it on Amazon has long disappeared into the mists of time. LOL. It's very short (70 pages) and M R James is always good so it ought to be a good read.
The Dracula Dossier is one off your list that I wanted to know about so look forward to your thoughts on that. The original Dracula was a bit like that - sometimes exciting, sometimes a bit dull.
Margaret: We've had a very overcast day but when the sun has peeped out it's been quite humid.
The Picture of Dorian Gray is one I will definitely read as it'll do for the classic book challenge as well. To tell the truth... I think I might already have read it, but no matter.
I love seeing everyone else's list, though it makes me want to add more books to my own. I just read a book by Joanne Harris and have belatedly thought of adding one of her earlier gothic tales to my pile--I don't have The Evil Seed, so am curious to hear what you make of it! And I still want to read Chris Priestley!
I love Carpe Jugulum, it's such fun! But I don't want to know what's in The Five Jars, I think M.R. James is just such a creepy writer :) I read Footsteps in the Dark this year, and really enjoyed it, the closest in tone to her Regency romances of her mystery novels, I thought.
Oh definitely, it is never too late, and fortunately we are just barely into it this year. Thanks for signing up and joining in again. So jealous of your recent trip, sounds enchanting and relaxing.
Danielle: I too love looking at other people's lists! I'm going to make a stab at reading most of the books on my list so will hopefully get to The Evil Seed. Harris's writing is always so good that I'm pretty sure of enjoying it. Yes! You must read Chris Priestley... you won't regret it!
GeraniumCat: Carpe Jugulum is a reread for me too... I loved it so much and have been planning a reread for years.
M.R. James was a *very* creepy writer, the best supernatural writer, imo, though there are others that come close - E.F. Benson for instance.
What you say about Footsteps in the Dark is interesting. I've not read any of Heyer's mysteries (*loads* of her historicals though) so will be interested to see whether I like them or not.
Carl: My pleasure and I notice we both have Chris Priestley's 'Tunnels' book on our lists. I've no idea how I've resisted reading it over the months I've owned it but am glad I did as it will be great to read it for RIP V.
Our recent trip was delightful... hoping to get a few photos up over the next couple of days.
I've only got about 60 pages left in the Priestley book and have been really enjoying it. Perfect read for the challenge.
I am seeing Chris Priestley everywhere! I am going to give in soon and buy one of his books... Too much peer pressure!
Carl: Look forward to your review!
Kailana: You would not regret buying one of the Chris Priestley books. Maybe try one from the library first? But they are *so* good.
Great list! (I swear my pool is growing by the minute). This is not conducive to my tbr at all.
The Picture of Dorian Grey is a novel I've wanted to read for a while. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on it.
Whitney: I know what you mean about being influenced by other people's lists. I think last year I read as many books from other's lists as I did my own. LOL!
I'm looking forward to reading Dorian Grey, though I have a suspicion I may have read it before.
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