Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Marg at The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader and Claire at The Captive Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!
I haven't done one of these in a while so, as my pile is nearly all new, I thought I would participate. Here's my latest loot:

From the bottom:
Tea Time for the Traditionally Built - Alexander McCall Smith. Book 10 in the Mma Ramotswe series and next in line for me. Never get tired of these.
Two Wheels on my Wagon - Paul Howard. About a cycling race called The Tour Divide which runs 3,000 miles from the Canadian Rockies to Mexico. Having enjoyed one of Anne Mustoe's cycling travelogues last month, I went searching for others and found this.
Italian Neighbours - Tim Parks. The place I saw this mentioned was here in the comments on Danielle at A Work in Progress's post about Italian books. It sounded interesting when I looked it up so I reserved it from the library.
Out to Lunch in Provence - Mike Aalders. A random grab which I thought might do for my Foodie books challenge.
Excursion to Tindari - Andrea Camilleri. Book 5 of his Inspector Montalbano series. Lots of those still to go...
The Edwardians - Roy Hattersley. Huge, huge, huge, so I've no idea whether I will even get to this let alone finish it but I thought I would at least bring it home and try as it's an interesting subject. The author is an ex-British Labour MP, quite high up in The Cabinet at one time.
A Wild Life - Dick Pitman. Charts forty years of the British author's life in Zimbabwe working with wild-life. My current read and rather enjoyable. I've just finished one of the Mma Ramotswe books so this second book about Africa was a natural follow-on.
The Charming Quirks of Others - Alexander McCall Smith. Book 7 of the author's Isabel Dalhousie series set in Edinburgh of course.
So that's it. I have one book still on reserve which is another of Clive James's books of essays. I seem to be on a slight non-fiction kick at the moment with a definite leaning towards travelogues. I'm not sure why this is, perhaps it's because it's the summer and we have no overseas holidays planned for this year so I have itchy feet. I can't think that it can be bothering me that much as I really am a home-body. I think maybe I'm just a natural armchair traveller, obsessed with geography as I congitated on in my last post.
ummm, and you will read all of that before RIP? lol have your reading cut out for you!
My stepfather loved the Roy Hattersley book and wants me to read it - I very apologetically said I didn't have time, because I read so much non-fiction for work. But it does sound as if you might enjoy it.
Enjoy your loot!
Pat: Noooo. LOL. No way will all those get read before RIP. Probably two or three. I make extensive use of the 'renew' function for library books.
GeraniumCat: That's very good to hear and will make me more inclined to try and read it.
Kailana: I will! :-)
What a great looking pile of "library loot" you have there. Being an arm chair traveler myself this summer, and becoming more of homebody by the year, I would enjoy many of these pics. Thank you for sharing.
I find it difficult to go past the Mma Ramotswe series and also the Isabel Dalhousie books as well.
Enjoy your loot!
lifeonthecutoff: I think the more mature (I use 'mature' instead of 'old' you notice) I get the more I appreciate the comforts of home. Even to the point of eating. The last few years I've noticed that it's now quite hard to find restaurant food as nice as home cooking. So it looks like I'm going to be an armchair traveller for the foreseeable future. At least as regards challenging destinations like Africa.
Marg: The trouble is I'm coming to end of both series so am not sure what my comfort reading will be when I do. Luckily AMcS is a prolific writer!
Hi Cath,
Good to see that you have a 'tame' library, which will allow you to renew books!!
I guess that if we ever moved to a smaller place, then I would make much more use of the library service, but working in a charity shop that has hundreds of books in it, is just too much of a temptation and at such reasonable prices!!
I have heard good things about the Andrea Camilleri books, but have never tried any of them, in fact I don't think there are even any in my TBR pile, I shall have to rectify that!!
Hi Yvonne. The Camilleri series is not bad. At first Inspector Montalbano is a bit annoying but after a few books it doesn't seem to matter, or perhaps the author toned him down, I'm not sure. But the Sicily setting is interesting.
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