Crime - modern and historical:
Charlie Parker - John Connolly - (read 11... up to book 12)
Matthew Shardlake – C.J. Sansom (read 3)
Flavia de Luce - Alan Bradley (read 6)
Daisy Dalrymple - Carola Dunn (read 21)
Rizzoli and Isles - Tess Gerritsen (read 8)
Ruth Galloway - Elly Griffiths (read 8)
Mary Russell/Sherlock Holmes – Laurie R. King (read 5)
The Lewis trilogy - Peter May (read 2)
Lord Peter Wimsey - (read 6)
Gordianus the Finder - Steven Saylor (read 2)
Medicus - Ruth Downie (read 2)
Kate Burkholder - Linda Castillo (read 2)
Reverand Clare Fergusson - Julia Spencer-Fleming (read 3)
Temperance Brennan - Kathy Reichs (read 2)
No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency - A. McCall-Smith (read 11)
Kate Shugak - Dana Stabenow (read 6)
Sea Detective - Mark Douglas Home (read 2)
Hannah Scarlett - Martin Edwards (read 6)
Jacquot - Martin O'Brien (read 4)
Armande Gamache - Louise Penny (read 6)
Sci Fi, Fantasy and horror - both adult and young adult:
Mercy Thompson - Patricia Briggs (read 6)
Jackelian - Stephen Hunt (read 2)
Rivers of London - Ben Aaronovitch (read 4)
Liveship Trader - Robin Hobb (read 1)
Astreiant - Melissa Scott - (read 2 1/2)
Hyperion - Dan Simmons (read 1)
Lady Trent - Marie Brennan (read 2)
Cloud Roads - Martha Wells (read 1)
Barsetshire - Angela Thirkell - (read 5)
The Little House series – Laura Ingalls Wilder (read 5 up to book 6)
The Barchester Chronicles - Anthony Trollope (read 2)
Series I want to read: (mainly fantasy)
The Wit’ch series – James Clemens
Alpha and Omega - Patricia Briggs
Starborn - Lucy Hounsom
The Tawny Man trilogy – Robin Hobb

The Coldfire trilogy – Celia Friedman
The Fionavar Tapestry trilogy – Guy Gavriel Kay
The Gardella Vampire Chronicles – Colleen Gleason
Swordspoint - Ellen Kushner
I think what this post underlines more than anything is how much my reading tastes have switched from fantasy/horror to crime. I still read the former but am much more into crime stories these days, especially vintage and historical it would seem. And that's fine. Things change and I always believe in going with the flow.
I've been feeling the same way for some time now.. all I want to read is crime, gothic mystery etc..weird how that's happened! all my life fantasy has been my ultimate favorite... now it's crime with some historical fiction/ crime lol (Drood for instance) sigh..I guess we read in cycles. Possibly when we change from crime to fantasy the best thing to do is to first reread a favorite and that might put us in the mood for more of the same???
you really need to get the other two Peter Mays books lol.. library time?
I keep meaning to start that Charlie Parker series. I even have the first book. My tastes have gravitated a lot over the miles to your side of the world, at least in the last few months. That might change, but who knows? I do love series books though. And you have some good ones on your list.
I also agree with DesLily - get thee to a library and get those last 2 Lewis trilogy books. They are so good!!
You are ahead of me on a lot of those mystery series. I read one or two and never get back to them, although I have good intentions. I want to try the series by Nicola Upson. And a lot of variety in types of series there.
Pat: Yeah, I thought it was the same for you. Even when I do read fantasy I want it to be creepy and frighten me a bit. LOL!!! I've just started The Name of the Wind and am hoping it will do that. Also hoping I can actually get it finished by the 21st.
I've got The Lewis Man on my Kindle... got it free last year on an Amazon offer.
Kay: I think John Connolly's Charlie Parker series is probably my favourite series of all that I read. Just something about their creepiness and his writing. Wonderful.
LOL... I will do that thing re: the Lewis books.
Tracy: I do the same, read a few and don't get back. Sometimes I find the books a bit samey, like you're reading the same book over and over. And as I have a low boredom threshold, I tend to move on.
I've finished the first Nicola Upson book - need to review it - and liked it a lot. Worth trying, but I know how many wonderful series there are out there!
That's a lot of series! Seems every few years my taste changes in reading but I always go back to mystery/crime.
Peggy: I think that's exactly what's happened... my tastes have changed and what interested me several years ago doesn't interest me so much any more. Like you I'm more into mystery and crime now.
I tend to shy away from series. I have been toying with the idea of trying to find one that I would really enjoy. Now that I have discovered your blog I'm so excited at the prospect of finding a good series to read. Cant wait to explore some of the ones you have listed. Thanks for doing this!
Paula: My pleasure. Hope you find something that you like from the list.
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