August was a busy month for me and that's reflected in the number of books I managed to read: four. It felt like more, and really it was as one of the books was two books in one and another was quite long. But four in number it is and that's fine. These are they:
41. The Voyage of the Basilisk - Marie Brennan
42. Magpie Murders - Anthony Horowitz
43. The Olive Tree - Carol Drinkwater
44. The Shadow Land - Elizabeth Kostova
The four are a mix of my own books and library books. I've done very well reading my own books this year, admittedly not always ones that have been on my tbr pile since time immemorial... I do tend towards the newer purchases... but so far this year I've read 44 books, 22 of which have been my own. I've also managed 16 non-fiction books so far this year... it could be more, I realise that, but it's not too bad.
Anyway, hard to name a favourite as none of them were standout wonderful, all good but not really amazing. I think it would have to be The Shadow Land by Elizabeth Kostova.
It did ramble on rather a lot but it was excellent on Bulgarian history and landscape and I was pleased to get an unusual country for the European Reading challenge.

These are the books I'm reading at the moment, not sure how I managed to be reading 3 books of short stories all at once but there ya go...
My bedtime book is a reread of this, inspired by Nan at Letters From a Hill Farm:
And as with my first read of it, it is once again pure delight to read. I feel a reread of Susan Hill's The Magic Apple Tree coming on and am wondering about getting back to the crime series she writes... I read one but didn't get any further.
And now autumn is here. Hooray! Couldn't be more delighted.
(Burnham Beeches - Myles Birket Foster)
Wow! Three at once! Good Gravy Marie! lol Of the books on your post I did read The Magpie Murders long ago... and for some reason or another Jacobs Room sounds familiar to me.. maybe it's just having read when you read it before?? Anyway, I wish I could say the word Fall means anything here in Florida... sigh . Have a great Fall Sis!!
A nice variety of books for August. I still need to try Dorothy S.
Cath, did you write about Magpie Murders? I'm sorry, but I just can't remember. I did like that one a lot. It was great on audio as the narrator was Samantha Bond (the old Moneypenny). I love her voice. I'm happy that 'fall' is here too, though your fall and mine differ a lot. Ha!
I have Magpie Murders, so I will be trying it, and I hope I don't wait too long. So much to read. I was a bit concerned about it, with a book within a book, but decided I would never know if I did not try it for myself. I haven't read anything else by him, but I do have Trigger Mortis, also.
I loved Magpie Murders - so clever, I thought. I'm not keen on very short stories, the longer ones can be more satisfying though.I have two collections I haven't started yet - Blood on the Tracks and Foreign Bodies, maybe I could try reading them side by side. I still haven't got a copy of Jacob's Room is Full of Books - it must be good as you're re-reading it. I've reserved it at the library, but I'll have to let them know they've catalogued it under the title 'Jacob's Room Has Too Many Books' LOL
Pat: I don't remember you reading Jacob's Room but that means nothing at all, you could've read it six times and I wouldn't necessarily remember. LOL! I really *really* wish fall meant something for you in Florida. *Hugs*
Diane: Yes, I suppose they are a varied bunch, I mostly read crime novels these days but like to intersperse them with something different from time to time.
Kay: Yes, I did write about Magpie Murders, briefly as I was busy in August. The link is early in the post. Yes, like Pat in Florida, I realise fall in Texas means something different to England.
Tracy: Yeah, I must admit when I saw it really was two books in one I balked a bit. 'Do I really want to read this?' sort of thing. But I'm glad I did as it was an interesting read, if slightly confusing. I haven't heard of Trigger Mortis... what a brilliant title!
Margaret: Yes, MM is indeed a very clever book. Blood on the Tracks and Foreign Bodies are both quite good. But when all said and done I do really prefer a full-length novel. It's just that I can't seem to resist anthologies! My husband's got a volume of Jack Reacher stories and even though I've never really wanted to read Lee Childs I'm sorely tempted by that anthology.
Jacob's Room is simply delightful. Hard to put my finger on why, possibly it's the gentle mix of bookish talk and nature observations. I enjoyed Susan Hill's, The Magic Apple Tree, so I knew I would love Jacob's Room but not that I would want to keep rereading it *and* her other bookish book, Howards End is on the Landing. So funny what your library has Jacob's Room catalogued under!
I only read my books except for some borrowed Kindle books from the state's downloadable books. I'm planning to read The Magic Apple Tree, seasonally, starting in the winter, alongside another Gladys Taber book. Something I planned BG (before grandchildren) but didn't get to.
Nan: The tone of the Magic Apple Tree is very much the same as her two books about books. I can't find the word I'm looking for in my ancient brain but I'm sure you know what I mean, gentle observations of village life and nature, beautifully put. That would be a good idea to read it seasonally. Another book you could read like that is The Morville Hours by Katherine Swift. Another very beautiful gardening/nature/history book. I read part of it years ago, never did finish it, and plan to start again and read it through next year if I can. LOL... BG... how apt.
I have had that book since Karen (Cornflower) recommended it. Many years. It is in the bookcase beside the bed and I pick it up three or four times a week. I am hoping to read it next year as well! Great minds, again. Have you ever read Edwin Teale Way?
I wrote about one of his books but want to read more during the season he writes about. I think he is right up your alley (street!).
Nan: Yes, I've had The Morville Hours for a few years too Quite a few... *cough*. No, I don't know Edwin Teale Way at all, I must've missed your post but will investigate when I have a moment... thanks for the rec.
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