Wednesday 27 May 2020

Carl's Venture Forth

Carl from Stainless Steel Droppings has posted about his new Summer Reading Program, Venture Forth.

He says:

So I created my own Summer Reading program: Venture Forth. The name is a play on the idea that we are being allowed to venture forth into certain businesses and venues once again, and that reading always allows everyone to Venture Forth on an adventure.

This isn’t a challenge or event like I’ve hosted in the past. It is simply something that I want to do and want to share with you. If you desire to recapture a bit of that childhood summer experience, please feel free to be a part of this, and feel free to use the gif.

There are no rules. No number of books to read. No prizes outside of the great pleasure of reading. As part of the fun I did make a list of prompts that I will check off if I end up doing them, but the only thing motivating factor of my reading is finishing a book, and then going and pulling the next read off the shelves that calls out to me.

Prompts include:

A book with a Michael Whelan cover

gift that was given to me

2020 book purchase

used bookstore find

novel that is part of a series

story that I have read before

book that I read as a child or teen

social media recommended book

graphic novel

children’s book

narrated book

recommendation from my wife (husband in my case)

nonfiction book

title that is part of a series

checkout from my local library

book outdoors (at least 75% has to be read outside)


So, it runs from now until the 31st July and I thought I would participate and see how it goes. It's not a challenge, just a fun thing to take part in for the summer. Anyone is welcome to take part and I hope some will be tempted.


Carl V. Anderson said...

I'm happy you are venturing forth! The prompts are the ones I created for myself, so feel free to use them or to create your own list or a combination thereof. I actually made a paper list previously and meant to grab it last night to see if I wanted to add any more. Need to get to that.

I'm looking forward to a reading summer. In my adult years my summer reading had a tendency to drop off, unlike when I was a kid, so I'm looking forward to reading being my preferred go to activity for the season.

Lark said...

I love the idea of this! Starting a book is always a bit of an adventure, isn't it? And summer reading especially always seems full of possibilities! Have fun with this one. :)

DesLily said...

Glad to see that you are Venturing Forth! It's hard to refuse Carl lol..

TracyK said...

I have been thinking about Carl's post on this reading plan and decided I will do it, maybe with less prompts. Definitely different prompts. I started two of them yesterday ("spy fiction written by a woman" and "nonfiction"). The hardest part will be writing the post.

I just discovered I have a book with a cover by Michael Whelan. (Before now I had not heard of him.) I have a paperback copy of Foundation with a Michael Whelan cover, AND I need to read that book for my Classics list. Cool.

Cath said...

Carl: Yes, I probably will create a few prompts of my own... possibly to suit my current love of books set in countries around The Med.

I find my reading picks up as it gets warmer. Once we have the veggie garden planted up and just in need of occasional weeding then I retire to a cool corner with a book on summer afternoons and read quite a lot.

Lark: I don't know why but this year I'm really in the mood for books that have a summer holiday feel to them. Suspect it's because we're in lockdown still and can't have one.

Pat: LOL... I don't even try. Looking forward to it.

Tracy: Really pleased that you're doing this too. You'll be able to double up with other reading goals I'm 'sure'. This is so flexible. I need to check to see if I have any Michael Whelan covers. I know I have some of his Pern covers but suspect there might be something else.

TracyK said...

Cath, Goodreads has a list of 78 books with Whelan covers, if that helps:

Cath said...

Tracy: Oooh yes! Thanks a lot!