Sunday, 2 February 2025

Books read in January and more bookish bits

 So, here we are in February, I'm not sure where January went but at the same time it dragged quite a bit. I was saying this to a friend and we laughed at how contrary us Brits are. It's still very much winter here, no storms at the moment, two last week though and I'm betting the next isn't far off. Brits are also weather-obsessed. I'm sure people from elsewhere will have noticed...

Before I trot on, I want to recommend a blog post to you and it's by Margot Kinberg. A passing comment I made in my review of, The Light Years by Elizabeth Jane Howard, about the difference between a fiction book 'written' at a certain time, say the 1930s, and a book 'set' there but written decades later, gave Margot an idea for a post discussing that and how it works. It's HERE and is very much worth a read. 

I read five books in January, a good number for my 'slower reading' plans for 2025 I feel. These are they:

1. The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst 

2. The Light Years by Elizabeth Jane Howard 

3. A Cold Spell by Max Leonard. Non-fiction about ice, in nature and as used by humans. Fairly interesting but dragged in places, sadly.

4. Metropolitan Mysteries edited by Martin Edwards 

5. Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. Underwhelming but it was beautifully written and most people loved it so don't take any notice of me if you fancy reading it. I may or may not review it properly, it's a tricky one as everything you might say would be a spoiler. We'll see.

So. Four fiction books, one non-fiction read in January. Genres: two fantasies, one murder mystery anthology, and one historical fiction. As a mix I think that's ok. I can't live on a bookish diet of one genre only, I need variety, 'tis the spice of life, as they say.

Favourite book of January? The Light Years by Elizabeth Jnae Howard - no contest. 

Currently, I'm reading these two:

I thought I would struggle with The Aeneid by Virgil but I'm not, so that's good. It means my plans to reread The Iliad and The Odyssey (first read when in my teens) later this year are realistic. Although, it might have been more sensible to read the other two before The Aeneid but hey-ho.

My other current read is, On the Marsh by wildlife and nature writer, Simon Barnes.

 The author is essentially a birder, so birds feature very heavily in this book. As I just spent ten minutes watching a little wren work its way around a wild patch of my garden outside one of my windows, that's fine by me. Barnes is an excellent writer, not at all academic in his approach to his craft so the book is very readable and very funny:

Talking about the Suffolk landscape (very flat) where he now lives beside an area of marshland:

'When I talk about landscape, you must understand that I also mean skyscape. The two things are pretty much indistinguishable in this part of the world. You can see the sky all the time, even when your head is slightly lowered. A level gaze from a standing position will more or less fix your gaze on the horizon. I have stayed in more lumpy parts of our own country and been unable to see the sky from the bedroom window: green fills it from top to bottom - soft green grass that can only be grazed by cramponed cows able to rope themselves together or fitted with one pair of legs longer than the other.'

And Christmas:

' The Christmas tree, vast as always, its tip bent at a right angle by the ceiling - it typical of Cindy's generous heart that she always found a tree just a fraction too large for the space - was shining gently all around. The Christmas cake had yet to be decorated, though. Eddie and I had made it a couple of weeks earlier, and quite a lot of the cherries made it into the cake.'

I find this kind of writing enriches me somehow. I love its gentle, meandering, witty style and am greatly reminded of one of my all-time favourite non-fiction books, The Magic Apple Tree by Susan Hill, which charts a year of her life living in the Cotswolds. (And on a side-note her two books about books, Howards End is on the Landing and Jacob's Room is Full of Books are wonderful.) 

I will probably choose a third book to start today. Mainly because I'm reading these other two slowly so I want something as a main read, something murder related or a sci-fi, that cracks along at a faster pace. I liked Kathy's review of Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers and I've got it on my Kindle, so it might be that. We'll see.

So, I hope your January reading month was excellent and that February will bring even more terrific reads. Stay warm and safe.


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I should look for that Simon Barnes book. I essentially live in a hugely overpopulated (with humans) marsh.

Kay said...

Love hearing about your January, Cath. I don't think you guys are the only ones weather obsessed. We are here too. I was out walking yesterday and passed a neighbor who commented that it was about time the cold went away (it was quite pleasant in temperature). I laughed but thought to myself that it was just February 1st. We might get another bout of cold. We shall see.

I'll be curious if you decide to read the Vera Wong book. One of my mystery book group friends has recommended that one to me and I have it on my Kindle. Maybe soon. I think there is a 2nd book coming out soon. Hope you have a good week!

Margot Kinberg said...

Thank you so much for the kind mention, Cath! And thank you for the inspiration for that post. As for your January reading, it's funny isn't it how some months can drag a bit, even as they move quickly. January is that sort of month. I'm glad you read one of the anthologies that Martin Edwards has edited; I think he's very talented as an editor and as a writer. I always feel in safe hands when I read his work.

Lark@LarkWrites said...

I'm glad it's February! January is always such a long, cold, gray and gloomy month. February always gives me hope that spring is coming. We've got wind and rain today and maybe snow later this week. I read the Aeneid for the first time a few years ago, and had to laugh at how they rhapsodized their armor and weapons and told stories of where they got them. But all in all I enjoyed it. Though I doubt I'll ever read it again. ;D

TracyK said...

I did see Margot's post and it is a very good one.

I told Glen about A Cold Spell, and he will look into it for a possible future purchase, since we are not buying books right now. (I did tell him you had reservations about it, but it is the type of thing he likes to read about.) I put On the Marsh on the wish list, because of the emphasis on birds. Unfortunately I also saw that he has written lots of other books I would like to have, such as The History of the World in 100 Plants and The Meaning of Birds.

I liked Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers very much.

Cath said...

Deb: The Simon Barnes book is a joy and his little piece of marsh is pretty much just his small family and the birds so it's not like yours.

Cath said...

Kay: Thank you! I liked hearing about your neighbour and her wish for warmer temps at the start of Feb. No way is winter over here in the UK, in fact Feb can often be the coldest month of all.

I think I will read the Vera Wong book this month and I have a couple of others I want to get to too. You have a good week too!

Cath said...

Margot: You're very welcome re the mention and I forgot to thank you for mentioning me on your blog too... so thank you.

I think after the busy-ness of December, January can be a bit of an anti-climax, plus it's a 31 day month so seems to go on and on. But that's fine, I have plenty to do and am not particularly worried by it. Oh yes, Martin Edwards is always a safe pair of hands.

Cath said...

Lark: Yes, I don't mind that gloomy January is out of the way, seems it's gloomy everywhere! They're talking about colder weather for us nest weekend too, winter still has a way to go I think. The Aeneid is certainly a reading experience rather than an actual joy to read but that's fine. I haven't come to the armour and weapons bit yet, the story of how they left Troy after the battle is still being told.

Cath said...

Tracy: I'm glad you saw Margot's post, it is indeed a good one.

It's shame my copy of A Cold Spell is such a hefty hardback and postage costs so ridiculously high or I would happily send it to you, as I doubt I will read it again. I know Simon Barnes has written other bird books but am not sure how many. Going by this 'Marsh' book, they'll be well worth reading. I'll definitely be reading the Vera Wong book sometime this month.

Mystica said...

I’ve read some memorable books in January. All reviewed on my blog.

CLM said...

On the Marsh has an appealing cover. It reminds me of a series by William Shaw that I think we have both read, although my sisters complained some of the books were hard to find. I think he has a new book that is a standalone so perhaps a new publisher with better distribution. I will look for Margot's post too and share with my mother as I told her you were enjoying The Light Years and she is a big fan.

Regarding weather, I find it amusing that the local news program does weather second to last, just before sports (unless a storm is coming). But in Florida, weather is last because everyone visiting is hoping the weather is worse at home than it is there, so they will wait until the very end.

Mary said...

I think you are destined to remind me about books on my shelf I need to read (ie The Light Years saga last month). This time it is Jacob's Room is Full of Books--yet another one I've had for some time. Think I bought it on my of my annual trips over the Pond--one where I bought 10, yes 10, books and fortunately had brought an extra bag with me to transport them home. Coming over again next month, but since I have a number of train trips scheduled while I'm there, I don't think I'll be hauling quite so many books around this time...but, we'll see. Simon Barnes' books look intriguing. I've got quite a few bookstores I plan to (re)visit...John Sandoe, Daunt, Toppings, Blackwell's...and I still have my Waterstone's card. Some people visit monuments. I visit bookstores. :)

Cath said...

Mystica: Really pleased to hear that January held some really memorable reads for you!

Cath said...

Constance: You're right the cover of On the Marsh is very appealing, the two people on the seat are Barnes himself and his Downs Syndrome son, Eddie, who features quite a lot in the book in a very charming way. Yes, I did read the first William Shaw book (The Birdwatcher?) and enjoyed it but then I think it transferred to the female detective in it and I hadn't liked her much so I didn't read any more. All that said, I've just seen on FF that he has another new series starting, set in Teignmouth in Devon. The first book is out in July so I'll probably give that a go.

Over here we get the weather last, always, 'unless' it's wreaking havoc somewhere and then we hear about that during the actual bulletin. But the forecast? always last.

Cath said...

Mary: Jacob's Room is Full of Books is a delight as is Howards End is on the Landing. My two favourite 'books about books' of all time.

I think the last time we came over to The States we probably took back about a dozen books so I understand completely you buying books here in the UK and hauling them back to the US. I too much prefer bookshops to monuments. I hope you have a brilliant time while you're over here, that sounds like a nice collection of bookshops you're planning to get to!

Kathy's Corner said...

Hi Cath, my apologies it looks like my first comment didn' t go through. Thanks for mentioning me in your post and I think you will really like Vera Wong. It's the heartwarming book many if us need right now but it's not saccharine which is great. Vera is a tough and endearing character.

Hope February is great for you and I look forward to the books you will be posting about.

Cath said...

Hi Kathy: No problem at all... that happens to me too. I did actually check my spam box but there was nothing in there, so it looks like your first comment disappeared into the ether. Anyway, you're welcome re the mention. I started Vera Wang yesterday and am enjoying it so far. Vera is very endearing.

Vintage Reading said...

Loved The Light Years. Especially Villy.

Cath said...

Me too, Nicola. But really it was the children that made the book for me. Looking forward to reading book two soon.

Harvee said...

I loved the Aenid when I studied it in depth in college, but would I go back to it now? No, I don't think so. Hope you are loving it if it's your first time reading it.

HARVEE said...

Also, have you read Circe? An excellent take on the Greek myth.