I chose 'Peril the First' which was to 'Read Four books of any length, from any subgenre of scary stories that you choose' between the 1st. September and the 31st. October. I chose a pool of twelve books and from those I managed to read six, which was more than I expected, so I'm quite pleased. The books were:
The Ghost Stories of M.R. James - selected by Michael Cox
The Vampire Tapestry - Suzy McKee Charnas
The Vanished - Celia Rees
Twilight - Stephenie Meyer
The Moor - Laurie R. King
Tunnels- Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams
I enjoyed them all, every single one. Hard to choose a favourite but if pushed it would probably be between The Ghost stories of M.R. James and Tunnels. But I also loved The Moor and Twilight... Let's face it, I'm likely to love anything that comes under the heading of 'supernatural'!
I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge and would like to thank Carl for hosting it once again. Looking forward to The Once Upon a Time one now. :-)
pretty unreal how fast the challenge goes by even though he began it at the end of August!!
Congratulations on finishing! I started reading M.R. James' collected ghost stories yesterday and I love them so far :)
Hasn't it flown past, Pat? Seems like no time ago that I was excitedly choosing my books. Oh well... I still have a couple I plan to read before the New Year so will be carrying on with it really.
Thanks, Nymeth. Can't wait to hear what you think of the M.R. James short stories. I certainly plan to read a lot more of those.
Congrats on finishing the challenge. I loved it too and hope there is a fourth next year. I quite fancy reading Tunnels and The Vanished.
Rhinoa: I really liked Tunnels. Quite a scary, atmospheric read, pacey and well written. I passed The Vanished on to my daughter, otherwise you would have been welcome to it as I probably won't reread it. I'll ask her if she's read it next time I see her and nab it off her if she has.
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