The 28th. November, quite chilly, probably one of the chilliest days of the autumn so far (5C first thing - about 40f) and this lovely specimen (a Red Admiral I *think*) was sunning him or herself on the laurel a few minutes ago:

Better late than never I suppose!
awww how pretty! i knew you had wildlife around you too!
Mainly grey squirrels round here, Pat, and small brown birds. LOL. But I saw this butterfly flitting around as I was sitting here this morning at my pc, so I grabbed the camera and rushed out to get a photo. Best butterfly pic I've ever taken, in the summer they don't stay still long enough to get a decent shot.
We have had blackflies... The weather is weird and the creatures don't seem to know what season it is!
Kailana: it's odd isn't it? I would have thought it was too chilly for this little chap to be out and about but there he (or she) was...
Nice pretty photo..I wish I could sun myself! The sun is pretty deceptive here in st. Louis - you see nice warm rays from the window and you hope for a pleasant day.and you step just so that a cold wind can blast you in the face :(
I miss my country :(
Vipula: wow, I bet Missouri winters are pretty harsh! That would be very different to what you're used to. I hope you settle in and get used to the new climate soon.
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