The first eight in the Daisy Dalrymple crime series by Carola Dunn. I'd seen these blogged about in several places as being light, fun reads so I waved the page around in front of my husband and hoped he'd take the hint. He did. Aren't they beautiful? Such gorgeous covers. And one will even do for one of the book challenges I'm doing this year - What's in a Name... a book with travel or movement... Murder on the Flying Scotsman. Perfect.
And these are the other books I was given:

Atlantic: A Vast Ocean of a Million Stories by Simon Winchester. I've no idea where I read about this. I think it might have been an Amazon e.mail - those are of course fatal as they always seem to know what will appeal and this certainly did. My youngest daughter got this for me and earned herself a big hug for her trouble.
A View from the Foothills: The Diaries of Chris Mullin is a political memoir and was a gift from a dear friend who knows exactly the kind of thing which appeals to me. This was even spookier than usual as I nearly bought this a few months ago and for some reason didn't. I gather it's very good indeed.
The San-Antonio Tex-Mex Cookbook by Elizabeth Blakely was also a gift from a dear friend in Ohio who knows I love to try different recipes and this style of cooking is certainly something new for me.
And lastly two books I bought for myself:
Murder Past Due by Miranda James and The Quick and the Thread by Amanda Lee are two cosy mysteries that were also in Amazon e.mails I think, or maybe links on FantasticFiction. Not sure, but whatever, they looked good so I treated myself. And there is actually one more to come, A Cold Day for Murder by Dana Stabenow, which is the first in a crime series set in Alaska. Wooooo! Think I'm going to be doing a bit of armchair travelling next year...
Looking forward to a good year of reading in 2011... hope you are too.
"and lastly 2 books I bought for myself"..
were you really afraid you'd get no books? LOL..
Great haul Cath!!! Enjoy reading them all, I know you will!!
Enjoy your books, Cathy. I hope you had a good Christmas. Do you still have loads of snow? Our garden is still well covered but the main roads are clear here now.
Oooh, I hope you enjoy the Daisy Dalrymple books. I have loved them. The covers are lovely. I can also recommend the Dana Stabenow book, part of the Kate Shugak series. It's one of my favorite series. Hope you like it too!
Books make the best gifts....I wonder why I didn't get any. Just a cookbook of recipes using chocolate (wonder what someone is trying to tell me--lol). Yay for the Daisy Dalrymple books. I'll be joining you in reading a few more myself! Lovely covers!
They all Look scrummy :0)
Hey Pat! Well, there's always a chance... and I just didn't want to risk it. LOL!
Margaret: Thank you, we had a quiet but nice Christmas.
Not much snow left in our garden, hardly any to be honest. But in town the pavements are still a bit treacherous and there are huge mounds of snow all over the place which look like they'll be there until the spring! Today we have dense fog and drizzle, which is a bit miserable really.
Kay: It's good to hear you've loved the DD series. I'm about two thirds through the first one and finding it hugely enjoyable. Looking forward to sampling the Kate Shugak series too. An online friend who has lived in Alaska said she read them while she was there and loved them.
Danielle: Some years I don't get many books either... last year I think I just got one cookbook like you.
If the first book is anything to go by, I really think I'm going to love the DD series.
A crime series set in Alaska sounds tempting... :) I liked the DD series too, the first 3 at least. Think I'm going to have to get the set of 8, and bookmooch the 3 I already have.
Hi Cath,
I am really annoyed with myself, as I came across the complete DD set, in the charity shop where I volunteer, still brand new and sealed.
I went away to think about buying them and yes, you guessed, when I looked again, they had already been sold.
The covers were not anywhere near as nice as your edition though.
The snow has finally cleared Somerset, now it is just dank and dreary.
Have a great New Year.
GeraniumCat: Yes, I thought the crime series set in Aalska was too tempting too, and people *say* it is rather good.
I thought the 8 DD books were quite a bargain when I saw them in the catalogue. I've bought several sets of books from them to be honest and have been pleased with all of them and their service.
Yvonne: Goodness that's annoying about the DD books in the charity shop!
Yes, it's been terribly dank and dreary for days hasn't it? Now we have another snow weather warning out. Hopefully it won't come to that but the last time I said that I woke to six inches of snow in the garden...
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