Anyway, first up The Foodie's Reading Challenge which was hosted by Margot at Joyfully Retired

I did 'Bon Vivant' the aim of which was to read 4 to 6 fiction or non-fiction books that are: 'centered around food and/or drinks. That could be a cookbook, a food biography or memoir, a non-fiction book focused around a specific food, wine, chef or restaurant. Also allowed is a fictional story in which food plays a major role'.
I read four books:
1. Eating for England - Nigel Slater
2. Garlic and Sapphires - Ruth Reichl
3. Thyme Out - Katie Fforde
4. Wicked Appetite - Janet Evanovich
I planned to read more but it just didn't happen and really I'm quite happy with simply finishing the challenge. I enjoyed it very much and thank you to Margot for hosting.
Lastly I finished the What's In A Name Challenge that was hosted by Beth Fish Reads.

For this, various books had to be read which had certain words in their titles. This is what I read:
A book with a number in its title:
Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella
A book with jewellry or a gem in its title:
The City of Pearl by Karen Traviss
A book with size in its title:
The Small Hand by Susan Hill
A book with travel or movement in its title:
Murder on the Flying Scotsman by Carola Dunn
A book with Evil in its title:
Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich
A book with a life stage in its title:
The Good Husband of Zebra Drive by Alexander McCall Smith
I enjoyed all six of those but my favourite would probably have to be The City of Pearl by Karen Traviss. It was great fun doing this challenge and my thanks to Beth Fish Reads for hosting.
I might do What's in a Name this year. I have been thinking about it... I haven't entirely made up my mind about challenges this year.
wow, you've really been doing a lot of challenges! do you think by doing challenges you miss reading more books that YOU want to read??
Kelly: It's a fun challenge. And a lot of the fun is going through your bookshelves searching for just the right titles.
Pat: Possibly. But that's cancelled out by the fact that it gets books off my tbr pile. *Makes* me read books that have been sitting on the pile for years. So it's good in that way. I've chosen yet another challenge which I'm hoping to post about tomorrow or Friday.
I'm impressed, Cath, and wish I had your stick-to-itiveness. What fun the Foodie Challenge seemed to me and I'll especially check back to the books you did read in the future when I'm hungry for a good read.
Hi Cath,
Your line up for the 'What's In A Name' challenge sounds pretty good to me, although there are probably only a couple of them that I would rush to read. The 'Susan Hill' is one of them and 'Corola Dunn' the other. Both of those are firmly on my reading list.
I thoroughly enjoyed this challenge, although I doubt whether I shall be renewing my membership this year!
Lifeonthecutoff: 'Stick-to-itiveness' where book challenges are concerned is quite a new thing for me. I'm more well-known for *not* finishing them I think. I start off all keen and that wears off somewhere around March. LOL!
Yvonne: I decided not to do What's In A Name again this year, too. I thought about it, even got the books out, and then decided to do new challenges instead. I'm sure I'll do WIAN again another year though as it is fun.
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