To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky below. Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online. More photos can be found here at Alyce's blog, At Home with Books.
It wasn't really this dark in Teignmouth that day, which is why the 'purpliness' of a couple of the shots surprised me:

This is what the light was really like:

A bit darker:

But 'dark' is so much more atmospheric...

And Pat at Here There and Everywhere wanted to see a photo of the jig-saw puzzle I've been doing for the past few weeks. It's 2000 pieces and is a painting of the Bodinick to Fowey Ferry, in Cornwall, as it was, probably 100 years ago. It was very hard! LOL.

And here on Wiki is a photo of how it looks now... not that different really.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
I love the comparison of the jigsaw and the photo. It has been a while since I did any jigsaws, I must say I am tempted!
Very atmospheric, Cath, particularly the first photo.
That looks a great jigsaw - I love the picture. This reminds me I started a puzzle of Northumberland's castles and haven't finished it yet.
By the way that robot proof word verification is awful - it keeps telling me I haven't matched it - I must be a robot!
I really like the last Teignmouth photo - the one with the things sticking up in the foreground. The remains of a pier? Very atmospheric.
I love all the water shots! There is something so nice about being near water. I haven't done a large puzzle in so long, yours turned out very nice!
The perspective is fantastic in the 2nd and 3rd shots. Love it!
Fabulous photos! They have such great atmosphere.
I love how dark and brooding clouds over water can be. That jigsaw is coming along nicely! With two thousand pieces that must have been quite a challenge.
Teignmouth looks like a place worth visiting.
2000 pieces....I admire your patience. Mine runs out a lot earlier :-)
I love photos of water and sky, especially when the light varies.
That puzzle is gorgeous...makes me want to visit Cornwall.
I love playing with photos and getting just the right atmosphere like you did in the darkest photo.
Your jigsaw looks quite challenging.
These are wonderful and, yes, as others have mentioned they are atmospheric.
Your puzzle reminds me that I have a half-finished on under a bed that I should pull out and finish (after first dusting it, tee hee).
Jo: I thought it was fascinating to compare the jig-saw and the photo. I expected more changes.
Margaret: That jig-saw was without a doubt one of the most difficult I've ever done.
I completely agree with you about the word verification, I'm really struggling with it on other people's blogs. I turned mine back on because the spam was becoming a nuisance again but I may have to rethink that.
Eugenia: I'm not sure what those are, not the remains of a pier I think. Probably the remains of a sand erosion thing, the name of which eludes me right now.
Jill: I was brought up by the water and now live inland so I miss it a lot.
Kaye: Thank you.
Christina: I'm glad you like them.
Trish: Me too. Yes, it was quite a challenge. I used to do a lot of big jig-saws when I was younger but these days I get backache and my eyes are not what they were.
Eva: Teignmouth is a very nice spot on a beautiful coastline, it's part of the Jurassic coast.
Laurel: Water and sky can make for some wonderful photos, I agree.
Anne: That first photo is not played with at all, it just came out like that. The fourth photo I lightened slightly to see how it would compare to the first, but only very slightly. I'm actually wondering if my camera needs adjusting somehow, perhaps I've fiddled with something I shouldn't have. I'm famously non-technical.
Penny: Thanks... I was pleased with them but realise they are a complete fluke. Nothing to do with me. LOL.
The light does make a pretty color contrast! And that jigsaw puzzle looks very difficult!
Nice pictures! I go through periods where I make jigsaw puzzles, but I don't really have a good area to make them that doesn't get in the way of other things...
The dark photos are atmospheric - they make it look like rain is coming.
Atmospheric is exactly right! The light and the water and the reflections are really beautiful. Great pictures.
I enjoyed looking at your pictures. I have not worked on a jigsaw puzzle in years.
Alyce: It does, I was quite pleased with how that first one came out.
Kelly: I used to use the dining table to do puzzles when I was a kid but my family moaned about the bumpiness under the table cloth. :-)
bermudaonion: It did look like rain but it didn't, just got very overcast.
Lisa: Thank you.
Nise: Glad you enjoyed the photos.
Very nice! I like seeing the picture of the place in your puzzle.
It's been a while since I did a puzzle...might have to pull one out.
Here's my snapshot: http://myreadersblock.blogspot.com/2012/02/saturday-snapshot-valentine-flowers.html
A castle by the boardwalk how fun.
Your photos show a lovely place that is just begging to be visited.
~Naila Moon
Bev: It seems quite a few readers like to do jig-saw puzzles as well. I wonder if that's just a coincidence.
Esme: the pier (boardwalk) is a bit touristy but nice if you want to feel the effects of the sea without getting wet. :-)
Naila Moon: It's a very popular seaside town for a lot of very good reasons.
omg Cath! lol I thought it was 1,000 pieces not 2,000!! that's huge!!!!!!!
of course I love the photo's you take..they always make me want to be with you and P *pout*
oh btw.. i tagged you on my blog for a meme!
Very nice photos! The darks one make it look like rain is on the way.
Pat: Yep, 2000 pieces. Haven't done one that big in years but back in my teens 3000 pieces was what I liked to do. Of course I had to wait until I got a job in order to afford them... LOL.
I've had a quick glance at the meme... will look at it properly in a moment and do it over the next couple of days. It'll give me something to post about as the two books I'm reading aren't going that quickly.
Marie: It does look like rain in the photos but we didn't get any.
You're quite right dark is so much more atmospheric. And well done with the jigsaw. My 11 year old son and I do puzzles together. He just bought a 1500 piece one that looks very hard, but I'm sure we'll get there. They are good for teaching patience and persistence.
That is SO gorgeous Cath!! So jealous of the beautiful scenery around you :) And I love that puzzle!!! I need to get me a good jigsaw puzzle…I really miss doing those!
You live in such a beautiful place.
Lovely photos :0)
Louise: I used to do jig-saws with my girls too. I think it's a lovely way to spend time with your kids.
Chris: I didn't do puzzles for years and years but all of a sudden rediscovered them when I was ill in the winter of 2010. I find them very theraputic.
Nan: Yeah, it's not bad here in Devon. :-)
Val: Thank you.
Hi Cath,
I haven't been down to Teignmouth for ages, but I do love that stretch of coastline.
Devon is 'doable' for us in a day, although we generally end up down in Paignton and if we fancy a bit more life, then we know the road to Exeter pretty well, as our niece went to uni there and we were the closest point of contact when she had a problem, or just needed to see a friendly face!
We visited the spot on your jigsaw last year, when we took a short break in Cornwall, still very picturesque, although a lot busier now. The jigsaw does look extremely challenging and set my fingers itching. I haven't done a jigsaw for some time now, but I can feel the urge coming on!
Yvonne: Yes, that bit of coast is lovely. We lived in Newton Abbot in the eighties and spent a lot of time in Teignmouth each summer. We were then away from the area on the north coast for 15 years (Barnstaple and then Minehead before moving here and having easy access to that town once again.
It's years since we were in Fowey but I do love it there. I think Dawn French is now living in the town. And, I may be wrong, but thinking about it I fancy Daphne Du Maurier's family had a house near the Boddinick ferry when she was a child. I'm sure I remember reading in Myself When Young, that she used to watch it going back and forth. She may even have been there during the time the painting on the puzzle was done.
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