“Does something amuse you?’ asked Uncle Montague.
‘I was merely reminding myself, Uncle, that I am getting too old to be so easily frightened by stories.’
‘Really?’ said Uncle Montague with a worrying degree of doubt in his voice. ‘You think there is an age at which you might become immune to fear?”
― Chris Priestley, Uncle Montague’s Tales of Terror
I do love this quote from Chris Priestley's first 'Tales of Terror' book. (There are three, *all* completely brilliant and well worth reading.)
And what amazing artwork... perfect, imo. It's by Donna at Gothicrow apparently.
Anyway, Carl's post about R.I.P. VII is here, for those that want to check it out and maybe get involved.
Of the various levels of participation I'm going to do Peril the first.

Which is to... 'Read four books, any length, that you feel fit (the very broad definitions) of R.I.P. literature. It could be King or Conan Doyle, Penny or Poe, Chandler or Collins, Lovecraft or Leroux…or anyone in between.'
The kinds of books that can be read include:
Dark Fantasy.
Or anything sufficiently moody that shares a kinship with the above.
I seem to have gathered a substantial pool of books to choose from, not quite sure how that happened, I'm starting to wonder if I do it automatically come mid-August. Sort of a subconscious thing... lol.
Anyway, a few of them are:
Rivers of London - Ben Aaronovitch
Fated - Benedict Jacka
Pure - Andrew Miller
I Shall Wear Midnight Terry Pratchett
The Hound of the Baskervilles According to Spike Milligan (humour)
The House of Silk - Anthony Horowitz
Fallen - Tim Lebbon
Full Dark House - Christopher Fowler
Those I own... but I also have from the library:
Other possibles include:
The Fifth Elephant - Terry Pratchett (a reread)
Carpe Jugulum - Terry Pratchett (also a reread)
The Little Stranger - Sarah Waters
Drood - Dan Simmons
A reread of any of Chris Priestley's 'Tales of Terror' books.
Some H.P. Lovecraft.
Some M.R. James.
Quite honestly, it'll just depend where my mood takes me as to which of these I read and for me that's part of the fun. I'm also sure there'll be more books added to this list as I see what others are reading.
Happy creepy reading!
I completely agree, all three of those Priestly books are fantastic. I keep looking online, hoping another one is just around the bend, but alas, I see no mention of it. Love those books and wouldn't mind re-reading them again myself. I've read stories out of them to my wife and daughter every year for the past few years. They are great for late night, lights out reading.
I was jealous of your weather while watching the Olympics. Then ours turned very autumn-like and I was in heaven. Now we are back in the mid-upper 90's. I'm really done with Summer. At least the mornings are cool and I can pretend it is autumn. Hopefully the heat will break soon and I'll no longer have to use my imagination.
Thanks so much for joining in again. I hope that whatever you choose to read ends up being wonderfully satisfying.
yup I agree with Carl.. I was envious to the point of being green around the gills for your temps in the 60's!
so.. here were are again!! woohoo! I do love rip because it reminds me of fall even if I don't get one! ppllssssttt!! Your pile looks good!! here's hoping we both have some fun reading!!!
The weather is very changeable here - one day it's hot and sunny, then the next, like today is cool and showery with a definite autumnal feel about it.
I don't know if I'll join in the RIP this year - my enthusiasm for challenges is low at the moment. Of the books you've listed I've read Drood, which actually I found to be a bit of a drag and not as good as I'd thought it was going to be. I've read The Little Stranger too - quite liked it, although thought it could have done with being shorter. I felt that all the tension and spookiness that had initially been built up just drained away in the middle of the book.
I have Michele Paver's Dark Matter, so I may read that soon - I'll be interested in what you think of those books.
May I recommend some F G Cottam for creepiness? Read "The Waiting Room" a little while ago and a couple more since. He gets some iffy reviews but I have enjoyed every one so far.
I see you do have Dark Matter on your pile, that is quite a coincidence! I hope my review gets you to read it, since I think it will be a lovely introduction to RIP this year for you!
Funny, I've picked up Pure several times, I haven't bought it yet though it looks very good, doesn't it? I'll be anxious to read what you think of it.
I might start Drood now, it's on my list too! I have the hardcover, so maybe while I'm still on holiday. Or the Thirteenth Tale, Pat loves it so much! I have The Little Stranger as well to read.....my list is so big, I'm going to whittle it down before posting!
Enjoy your trip to Wales, and yes please to pics!! I will post about Niagara Falls for when you come back, too :-)
I meant to say, wonderful selection of books, Cath, I hope you have fun with this challenge. I like how you put some mysteries in there too :-)
Sounds both fun and tempting :0)
Nice list. I love the Priestley short stories, but I've run out sadly. They'll stand up to rereading, but not quite yet.
I've pretty muchgiven up challenges, but this one is irresistable. Too many lovely possibilities.
Dark Matter is very good and how about Helen Dunmore's The Greatcoat?
It is the first book from the new Hammer imprint (yes like the films)and I found it wonderfully creepy so much so that I had to restrict my reading of it to lunchtimes at the office!
I know what you mean about being ready for autumn now - summer has been such a wash-out here in Yorkshire that I have had enough of it! I hate it when it is wet and grey but still warmish and I end up over-heating in a raincoat.
I would be happy to see some sunshine but crisper temperatures would definitely be welcome!
You have some fantastic selections coming up! I've meant to read the Michelle Paver book and I also would like to finally include some Lovecraft into my choices as well. Thanks for the reminder!
The summer has been absent here in in Ireland, that's for sure :)
I've heard a lot of people recommending Pure so I look forward to seeing your thoughts on that one.
I really enjoyed Drood when I read it, long but fascinating.
I hope to do the group read of The Little Stranger, must remember to nab the book.
Carl: I just checked Chris Priestley's FantasticFiction page and you're right there's no sign of a new Takes of Terror book. The book I have on library pile, Mister Creecher, seems to be his latest and he has a new book out this year sometime called The Mask.
I really don't think I could endure the kind of heat you and Pat put up with.
Pat: Temps still nice here, in the mid-60s I think. Yes, let's hope for some fun reading - I'm really enthused about my pile this year.
Margaret: My enthusiam for challenges is a bit down too, I've cancelled one I was planning to do this year, for books over 700 pages. Somehow I don't think that's going to happen now. But I always do RIP as the books really suit my taste.
Oddly enough I'm more inclined to read Drood than The Little Stranger. No idea why that is.
Elaine: This is werid. I keep little notes here by my pc of books I need to look up and one of them says, The Waiting Room by F.G. Cottam. I've absolutely no idea where I saw the book mentioned, only that I thought it sounded good and made a note of it. I shall now investigate further.
Susan: Yes, how odd is that about Dark Matter? I'll certainly try to read that for this RIP.
I bought Pure while I was in Cardiff. Immediately attracted by the cover I must admit, but the blurb hooked me. Not sure if it's suitable for RIP but it sounds like it might be.
Yes, I put a couple of mysteries in there, John Connolly (unbelievably he's in Waterstones, Cardiff on the 8th. Sept., tempted to make a special trip...) and Carola Dunn with a haunted house mystery.
I've actually already been to Cardiff and returned. :-)
Val: It does and I was tempted. It's always a fun challenge.
FleurFisher: The Priestley books are quite honestly superb and yes, I'll be rereading them at some stage too. The possibilities for RIP are indeed endless.
LizF: Another fan of Dark Matter! I haven't heard of Helen Dunmore's The Greatcoat. I shall head over and check that out in a moment.
I agree, crisp and sunny for September would be nice.
Natalie: It's been a while since I read any Lovecraft but I adore his Cthulhu Mythos stories. Brian Lumley also wrote some brilliant ones.
Fence: Oh, you too with no summer? So odd.
Pure looks to me like a darn good read, so I really want to try that one.
It really is about time I got around to Drood...
Sounds like you have a wonderfully eclectic pile of books lined up to choose from. I think this may be the "challenge" that is the most fun to put together a pool for. :)
Splendid list as ever, Cath! I do recommend Dark Matter as a genuinely atmospheric read - there is one image in it I think will stay with me for ever, it was so effective! It's amazing how RIP reconciles one to autumn, isn't it :-)
What a great list! I never thought of adding Pure but I'm reading it right now and will include it. And those Priestly books, I guess I have to find used copies of the Tales of Terror series.
Debi: I completely agree that this is the challenge that is most fun to choose books for. I suppose it's the broad range you can choose from.
GeraniumCat: A lot of people seem to agree about Dark Matter so I'll definitely be reading that. And soon, as someone else has it on reserve at the library, so I won't be able to renew.
Gavin: I wasn't sure if Pure was suitable but was hoping it might be as it looks good. Oh yes... do find the Priestley books, it'll well worth the effort.
Cath, you have a large list for the RIP VII. I liked Little Stranger. I was happy to hear that you though In the Woods was good.
Do go and see John Connolly if you can - he comes here to Harrogate quite regularly and I am told that he is both very attractive and very charming by friends and colleagues who have had books signed by him. He did come to do a signing at a book shop where I worked a few years ago which I was thrilled about - until I managed to get flu the day before and missed him!
Diane: Yes and I keep adding to it. LOL. You must read In the Woods!
LizF: I wish I could go to Cardiff on the 8th. but I'm now tied up babysitting. Hopefully I may be able to catch him elsewhere at some stage. I must see if he has a website where he lists appearances. His new non-fiction book is a 'must buy' for me.
I haven't joined in on this in the past mainly because my reading hardly ever fits into the creepy category. Yet somehow I end up usually reading at least one book that would fit in pretty much by accident. Nevertheless, I'm not signing up because I just have too much real life stuff keeping me busy right now. Good luck and have lots of fun with the spooky reading!
Alyce: Thank you! I hardly read at all when I was younger and had a young family so I understand completely.
Hi Cath,
I have never read any of the Priestly books, however I love the quote from 'Tales of Terror'. I actually believe that I am becoming more fearful of things, the older I am getting. The simplest and silliest of things have me in a real spin just lately!
I can't believe that we have been treated to a week long 'Indian Summer' and that it actually loks set to last through an entire weekend! although it looks as though Dave will have to work!!
I hope that you had a good time in Cardiff, you haven't mentioned too much about it ... It's a place that we have driven through and around, but never actually stopped in. My brother and sister-in-law may be going down that way to Tenby, for a last minute short break soon, so who knows, we might get invited along!
Enjoy your 'spooky' readathon.
Yvonne: I'm not certain the Tales of Terror books would be your kind of thing but I could be wrong. In a way they remind me of John Connolly's books so perhaps you would like them.
We had a lovely time in Cardiff, thanks. I have photos to post sometime, just haven't got around to it yet. We're off to Llanelli next month so are hoping to get to Tenby for a day. My husband has fallen in love with the town LOL.
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