Anyway the challenge is called, Year of the Historical and it's being hosted by Lurv A La Mode.

The idea is to read one or more historicals per month throughout the year:
Books can be older, just published or previously read. Authors can be old favorites or new-to-you. I didn’t want to specify specific requirements for each month – though I contemplated it. Write those reviews any way you please – you’re blogs, your styles, dudes. This way you, the reader, are free to pick and choose what works best for you. This might be a challenge, but who says it needs to be difficult? The main thing is to enjoy yourself.
We’re talking straight historical (English, French, Ancient History – The Clan of Cave the Bear, etc.); and historical romance (Regency, Georgian, Medieval, American, paranormal historical…). If the book takes place in a notable, or even a more obscure, history in time, it’s game. These can be adult themed or young adult. They can be rereads or new-to-you authors. They can be ones you’re reading for other challenges too.
One of the reasons I want to do this challenge is because it ties in nicely with what I want to read next year, which is a few lengthy historical books. I have so many on my tbr mountain that a challenge like this will really help reduce the pile. We don't have to make a list but I'm pretty sure the first book I'll be reading for the challenge will be Drood by Dan Simmons. Others that I'm hoping to include:
The Needle in the Blood- Sarah Bower
Fixing Shadows - Susan Barrett
David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
Ratcatcher - James McGee
An Accomplished Woman - Jude Morgan
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
But we'll see how it goes. Likely as not I'll end up reading none of those at all! Whatever happens though, I'm greatly looking forward to this challenge.
the only one of those I have is david copperfield.. lord know when I will get to it! lol
I have a hard time "commiting" to things like the challenges which is why I only do 2 of carls and then commit to only 1 book.. after which I enjoy it more just reading.
Angels Game was book 8 for RIP.. dang I forgot to put that at the end of the review! grrr
Pat, I'm not sure when I'll get to DC either but I definitely want to read some Dickens next year - inspired by you and your reading of The Old Curiosity Shop a few months ago.
I can only commit to easy challenges - ones that last all year or with books or genres that I would normally read anyway. The Library challenge, for instance, has been a real no-brainer for me because I can read what I like for it and I go to the library anyway.
8 books for RIP is really good... I think I've read 5. Hoping to slot in a couple more before it finishes though.
Needle in the Blood and People of the Book are on my tbr list - should get round to them next year I hope.
Margaret: I've had those two books on my tbr pile for ages and it's a real shame. I'm hoping that this challenge might encourage me to get a few of these very good books read at last!
I read March by Geraldine Brooks a few years ago and I really liked it. Wouldn't mind reading more of her work.
Seems like a fun challenge. I like your blog it's very thoughtful. Thanks for sharing.
All the very best,
Nicola: I also have Year of Wonder by Brooks to read. I hear she's an excellent author so hopefully I'll get to some of her books next year.
Simone: Thanks for your kind words, they're very much appreciated. :-) I'll check out your blog when I have a moment.
Good luck Cath! I've just had to give up challenges. It seems as soon as I make a list or some kind of commitment, the little girl rebel comes out and says I don't want to read that. And now that I've said that, what do you want to bet that I'll find one I just have to join. :<) Contrary indeed!
I love historical fiction and it looks like you have some good books planned out for this challenge. I really liked Jude Morgan's book as well as Needle in the Blood--it's not often I get to read about needlework in fiction!
Nan: the same sort of thing tends to happen with me with challenges. I'm all enthusiasm when I choose the books then, like you said, I find I don't want to read those books when the time comes. So these days I'm very careful which challenges I choose. They have to be few in number and tie in with book plans I already had. *Or* really, really flexible - like my current library one where I can read anything.
Danielle: I love historical fiction too and just don't read enough. I was eyeing up my tbr pile a few weeks ago and deciding that I need to read some of the historicals there, so this challenge is precisely what I need. Just so long as I'm not tempted to *buy* new books for it. LOL.
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