I particularly loved this glorious bed of polyanthus and hyacinths in Minehead high street the other day.

The beautiful view from the top of Porlock hill, down over Porlock beach. You can just see Wales in the distance.

Exmoor. I thought the trees lined up on the horizon looked like Zulu warriors from that movie.

The old stone bridge at Exbridge... spring daffs only just out a couple of weeks ago.

The woods at Knightshayes Court last week. Spring well and truly arrived.

The woodpile.

Primroses in the grass.

The back gate into the walled kitchen garden.

Inside the walled garden and the beginnings of the huge herbacious borders they have there in summer.

Rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb.

Daffs in the chicken run.

What they grow their peas or sweetpeas on: I want one.

And this is just a pic I took out of the bedroom window last week. The town was obscured by a foggy haze and then I spotted the balloon...
A real treat...Spring isn't here yet
and those photos were a treat to the eyes... Thanks Cath :0)
Knightshayes - one of the first NT properties I ever visited - in a pram probably!
You are making me so homesick for all the places I used to visit when I lived in Devon :)
Gorgeous. I love it here in France, but I do miss England too!
Bon weekend
Ohh, I love seeing that huge gorgeous kitchen garden- especially all the rhubarb!
I love : view from the top of Porlock hill and The old stone bridge at Exbridge and The woods at Knightshayes Court last (me? not love the woods? HA!) and the gardens!!! *sigh* hurry up and win the lotto for a few million Cath! lol
Val: My pleasure, I'm glad you enjoyed them.
Verity: Oh, I forgot you once lived in Devon. We live about three miles from Knightshayes so we're over there all the time. It's such an asset to have right on your doorstep.
Hannah: Glad to give you a flavour of home. France is a very beautiful country too though.
Jeane: I've never seen rhubarb like that in my life. My husband and I actually gasped when we saw it all. I'm guessing the National Trust, who own the property, must sell it somewhere as there's just so *much*.
Pat: Glad you enjoyed the photos... still doing the lottery but it never seems to be my turn to win. Not fair.
Cath, these are really lovely. I enjoy seeing the sites that you see, especially the view from your bedroom window. Thanks for sharing!
My pleasure, Kay. Glad you enjoyed seeing them, will try to do more now that Spring is here.
Do they use or sell all the rhubarb? That could feed a lot of people! Wow! And I love the sweet pea fence too. We've been thinking this year of doing something different than a straight fence. I love all your pictures, Cath.
Nan: Knightshayes Court is National Trust and they have a restaurant there. I'm pretty sure rhubarb crumble would be on their menu but I'm sure they'd never use that amount of rhubarb! I'm assuming they sell it somewhere else.
I was trying to decide what the sweet pea wigwam is made of and am guessing willow - but I could be wrong.
Glad you enjoyed the photos.
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