Quickly name a unique item you have in your house:
My grandchildren's artwork on the fridge.
What are your two favorite names?
Jack and Gregory. (I don't really have a favourite girl's name.)
What do you consider a necessary luxury?
My computer. Although I'm not completely certain it passes for a luxury these days.
What type of car would you like to drive?
I am so not interested in cars. I mean *really* not. Truthfully, I would love a bicycle...
What is your favorite color and has it changed over the years?
Blue. And no, it's always been blue. I put it down to being born and brought up by the sea.
What quality do you most admire in a man?
In a woman?
What is something you long for?
For people to stop fighting over religion... or anything at all to be honest.
If money were no object what would you buy yourself?
A library. Well... not a ready made one... a place where I could create my own.
What charity would you donate a million dollars to?
What book have you just finished reading?
The Forbidden Tower by Marion Zimmer Bradley.
Name one book that made an impact and why?
Not So Quiet by Helen Zenna Smith because it underlined the fact that some women also went through hell at the front in WW1.
Name one liquid always in your fridge?
Cranberry and pomegranite juice.
Name one food item always in your fridge?
What could you eat everyday?
My homemade onion, celery and potato soup.
Everyday I drink…
A Dr. Pepper. (And yeah... I know I really shouldn't.)
TV Guilty Pleasure:
Strictly Come Dancing.
TV Show I Don’t Miss:
Masterchef (starts again on Wed, wooohooo!)
Name a favorite fictional character from a book.
Just one? Oh Lord. Uh... Sherlock Holmes.
From a movie:
John Book from 'Witness'.
What phrase or motto do you over use?
Not sure about 'over use' but I often say, 'What goes around, comes around'.
I own a lot of:
Books. Jigsaw puzzles. Jazzy socks. DVDs.
I collect:
See last answer...
I try to avoid:
Soap Operas. (And am completely successful in this.)
One thing I know:
My family means everything to me.
Everyday I:
Look out at the view from our house and think how fortunate I am to live in such a beautiful part of the country.
The last time I wrote a letter and mailed it was:
Dog or cat?
I'm allergic to both but if I wasn't - cat.
And lastly some book porn and a jigsaw puzzle: (click twice to see properly)

These are part of the two science fiction series I want to read this year. Three books from the Wess'har series by Karen Traviss and two from the Darkover series by Marion Zimmer Bradley. To me all these covers shout, 'Read me!' And the pic on the jigsaw, you'll hardly need telling, is an American bluejay, a bird we don't have in the UK. It reminds me of a meal we had with some dear friends near Pittsburgh. The restaurant was on a level with the tops of the trees and they fed the birds too, so all you could see outside were loads and loads of bluejays. For a birdwatcher like me that was just magic.
our computers cost money! (dsl) it's a luxury!
awww I didn't know you were allergic to cats and dogs :o(
love your puzzle :o) do you have a bird over there that's at all similiar?
oh wow! something freaky just happened! when I left the other comment I got it in my email saying I couldn't send it to you! yet there it is! I wonder if it will happen when I hit the comment button again.. how very strange!
I saw DesLily's meme the other day, it is a cool idea, a great way to get to know a bit about people. We share a favourite colour and have a few other things in common like a desire for a personal library.
Pat: yeah both cats and dogs make me sneeze but I'm ok if I don't touch my eyes after stroking them. I love cats so find this hard.
We have jays but they're not all blue. Also they're very secretive birds that don't often come out of the woods... not like your very social bluejays.
I'm not surprised... none of these comments have been sent to me by e.mail and the post is not showing in 'stats' either. Blogspot must be having issues.
BookPusher: It's a fun meme. :-) Yes, I would so love a real library. You see wonderful ones in stately homes sometimes. If I had one I would never go outside the door. lol.
you know I have to test this again LOL
Pat: And it came through loud and clear, e.mail notification as well. Go figure.
Are blue jays really called American Blue Jays? We have them in Canada and there is a baseball team named after them in Toronto, so I assumed they a significance to Canada... I probably should look that up...
Kailana: No, I don't think so, I was just using 'American' as in that's the only place I personally have seen them. I'm clueless as to where else they might be but it sounds like they're all over North America.
What a fun post! My favorite color is blue too! I just love it :)
Amused by books: I love doing memes, especially if they happen to be a bit bookish. Blue is such a wonderful colour, I've always been mesmerised by the sheer variety of shades the colour comes in.
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