Well, I lasted just over a month. The European Reading challenge 2018 finished at the end of January of this year. I'm already doing 5 other challenges so I decided that I probably shouldn't do this as well. Famous last words. I really really miss it and am going to sign up for another year. This is the link to the sign-up post for The European Reading Challenge 2019, where you will find info and rules. The host is Rose City Reader.
The idea is to read books by European authors or books set in European countries (no matter where the author comes from). The books can be anything – novels, short stories, memoirs, travel guides, cookbooks, biography, poetry, or any other genre. You can participate at different levels, but each book must be by a different author and set in a different country – it's supposed to be a tour.
These are the standard European countries:
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and Vatican City.
I'm going to do the FIVE STAR (DELUXE ENTOURAGE) which is to: Read at least five books by different European authors or books set in different European countries.
Last year I managed eight books for this challenge and would hope to do as well this year too. I loved doing it and know it'll be great fun to do again.
I love it that you are doing this challenge. So many countries to choose from. So much to learn.
Exactly, Nan. I really do love learning about other countries and their way of life. Always something to learn and parts of the world to concentrate on. Last year it was The Balkans, the year before, France. And my American challenge is also still ongoing after 10 years. I love it all.
Hi Cath,
Well! I must say that you have the breaking point of a Crunchy Bar! I don't know how you do it, I know that I gave up on challenges long ago and have trouble simply setting a Goodreads target for the number of books I hope to read in the year!
Have you compiled a list of possible books yet, or do you intend to 'wing it'?
Actually, when I look at my own list, it is surprising the number of European authors it contains and/or the number of titles with a European location, so in my armchair theory world, you should be able to walk this one :)
Have Fun :)
Since you've been reading Michael Palin, he has a book that could bring you to Paris, Cuba, and the US - Hemingway Adventure. It is wonderful.
Yvonne: You did make me laugh, 'The breaking point of a crunchy bar', that's a new one on me. Wonderful! To be honest I am probably doing too many challenges this year. The one that probably won't be completed is the Canadian one, but no matter. One good thing is that often one book will do for 2 or even 3 challenges.
I shall wing it with the European one. I'm just reading a Maigret book set in Liége in Belgium, so that's a start. I have loads for France including one you blogged about, Daughters of the House by Michele Roberts. I have a book about mountains for Spain, a WW2 book on my Kindle for The Netherlands and so on. I'd also quite like to cover some countries I didn't cover last year. Yes, it is amazing what you find sitting on your shelves when you look. The hardest decision is often which book to read for the UK.
Nan: Ah yes, I've heard of Hemingway's Chair, will see if the library has it. Sadly, New Europe will not do for this challenge as it doesn't concentrate on one country but dozens.
I'm sure you know that Gardener's World is back? And Monty Don has a new book out?
Cath, I am glad you decided to do the European Reading Challenge. I found the same thing last year, that I like reading and learning about different countries in Europe. I hope this year to get a better idea of the geography of all the countries. I am so bad at that, even here in the US. The only states I can keep straight are the southern ones touching on Alabama where I grew up. And the West Coast, which is pretty easy.
Tracy: I suspect I might be a permanent fixture with this challenge now. LOL
Oddly, I think I'm better at placing US states than European countries. This is undoubtedly because of decades of interest in the USA, visits there and so on. I'm fine with Western Europe but not Eastern. All those countries that used to be behind the Iron Curtain and have renamed themselves or gone back to pre-WW1 names... I have real difficulty placing them. Michael Palin's book is currently helping me but I doubt I'll remember in 2 or 3 months.
Hi Cath,
I have always used that saying about the Crunchy Bar and so have many of my friends and family, so perhaps it is a Wiltshire thing!
If you fancy something a little different for the UK, I have an ARC copy of 'A Sinner's Gift' which I have almost finished reading and is something quite unusual. Maybe best described as Scottish Noir, with a slightly literary feel to it. I am thoroughly enjoying the read and as it is an ARC and not for resale, I won't be able to donate to the hospice shop and it isn't something any of my family or friends would enjoy.
If you are interested, email me with your address and I will send it down to you. I would much rather it was enjoyed for a second time by a fellow book lover than ending up as recycling or landfill.
I'll leave it up to you to decide - no pressure or offence taken either way :)
Yvonne xx
Don't tempt me like this! :)
Maybe I'll look at my TBRs and see how many I can find before making a decision. I don't really want to get any more books (as if I can stop myself!)
Yvonne: I emailed you last night about the book, *hopefully* you still have the same email address (inspirebooks?) as a couple of years ago.
Margaret: I think this could be my favourite challenge of all. I know I have plenty to read for it and alao brought home a couple from the library too. Have also just finished Dancer at the Gai-Moulin by Georges Simenon which will do very nicely for Belgium.
I do hope you will be tempted. LOL
I intended to respond to this post before now. I'm so glad you're on with the European Challenge for another year. I'll enjoy "staying tuned" to your thoughts on each book you pick.
Judith: I just missed it and missed it and then thought, 'You fool, life's too short, just do it if you want to!' So I did. LOL
As you know I've decided to join in too!
(Just seeing if my comment will go through - delete it if it does.
I am so glad you caved and are joining us again! :)
Margaret: Yes, I saw that you decided to join in. Excellent.
Gilion: Thank you. I don't know why I thought I wouldn't be able to cope with this and my other challenges... some of the books will cross-over quite nicely.
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