Sunday 30 June 2019

Books read in June

These monthly sum-up posts come around quicker every time. In a way I don't mind so much at this time of year as summer is very much not my favourite season and the quicker it's gone the better. As well as gardening - one of the nicer aspects of summer - I've been indoors reading quite a lot and have thus managed to read nine books this month.

32. Head in the Sand - Damien Boyd

33. Just Another Mountain - Sara Jane Douglas

34. Death in Captivity - MIchael Gilbert

35. The Crowded Grave - Martin Walker. Not reviewed but another excellent installment of the Bruno, Chief of Police series, involving an archaeological dig and Basque separatists.

36. Schlepping Through the Alps - Sam Apple

37. The Body on the Doorstep - A.J. MacKenzie

38. Antidote to Venom - Freeman Wills Crofts

39. Bitten by Spain - Deborah Fletcher

40. The Devil's Cave - Martin Walker

So, nine books read. Six fiction, three non-fiction, reasonably happy with that. All six fiction books were crime yarns and all were excellent so it's pretty much impossible to name an outright favourite. I did very much enjoy this one though because it was different, being set in the 18th. century. I liked the lack of 21st. century conveniences, different outlook, and unusal detectives... a vicar and a mature woman.

Although it was a slow burner it eventually took off quite nicely and I'm planning to read book two in the series, The Body in the Ice, next along with the two other books I'm reading at the moment. Which are these:

21st. Century Yokel is wonderful, beautifully written, very witty and mostly about Devon and East Anglia. The Mummy book is a bit patchy so far, suspect it'll pick up. Will start The Body in the Ice very soon... not sure if it isn't going to feel a bit odd reading about Christmas in July, I'd save it for later in the year but I can't wait that long!

Happy summer reading.



Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

Hi Cath,

I'm with you and your thoughts about summer, especially with the temperatures we have endured this week. I actually tend to read and blog less in this weather, as concentrating on anything just seems like too big a challenge!

I have been following your reviews of the crime novels read this month and have come across a couple of new to me authors for my list, which includes A.J. Mackenzie, so I am trying mot to read too much about 'The Body In The Ice', as I want to read the series in order if possible.

Enjoy July's reading and hopefully a few cooler days, although we need to say that very quietly, as we are definitely in the minority with those thoughts :)

Yvonne xx

TracyK said...

I have exactly the same reaction about working on a summary for my June books. It seems like I just finished the May list of books. At least you have reviewed almost all of yours, I am the opposite, I have only reviewed one so far. Getting ready to retire (and getting ready for surgery in July, unfortunately) takes a lot of time.

I missed your review of Death in Captivity and have just gone back to read it now. I loved that book and since I read I have read a few more by Michael Gilbert. All of which I have enjoyed.

I have never tried a book by Freeman Wills Crofts, although I may have one on the TBR pile. Not sure. Based on your comments about Antidote to Venom, I will have to try something by him. The 12.30 From Croydon sounds interesting.

Cath said...

Yvonne: I'm fortunate in that my little study is at the back of the house facing north so when it's hot it's not a bad place to be with the windows open etc. Also I think we were slightly luckier last week in that we didn't get London temps, I can just about cope with 20 to 25C... 30 and over with humidity defeats me. How those poor people in France coped with 40 to 45C I just don't know. It does seem that a lot of people like very hot weather but I also know plenty of people who don't. Today is very pleasant so I'm hoping it stays this way all week.

My copy of the first A.J. MacKenzie book, The Body on the Doorstep, is going spare if you would like it? If you would like it pop me an email with your address as I don't think I have it. You would be most welcome to the book.

Tracy: Glad it's not just me wondering where the months go. Having a full-time job is not conducive to keeping a blog going, I imagine you're pretty tired most of the time. I hope your surgery this month goes off without a hitch. Good luck with it.

I have a couple more by Michael Gilbert so am looking forward to reading those. Antidote to Venom was an unusual crime story, written from the perpetrator's pov, and thus a bit different. The 12.30 from Croydon was similar. It's interesting when an author is so good at getting inside a criminal's mind.

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

That's a very kind and generous offer, Cath.
So long as it isn't too much trouble, I would love to read 'The Body On The Doorstep'
I will drop you a line soon with my details!
Yvonne :)

Cath said...

Yvonne: Excellent. Got your email, the book will be winging its way to you next week. So pleased that you would like it. I've just read book 2 on my Kindle and that was excellent as well.