I did well with my Mount TBR challenge this year, reading all of the 24 books I signed up for. So, I'm signing up once more but climbing a different mountain this year.
The sign-up post is on Bev's blog here:
Challenge options:
Challenge Levels:
Pike's Peak: Read 12 books from your TBR pile/s
Mount Blanc: Read 24 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Vancounver: Read 36 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Ararat: Read 48 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Kilimanjaro: Read 60 books from your TBR pile/s
El Toro: Read 75 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Everest: Read 100 books from your TBR pile/s
Mount Olympus (Mars): Read 150+ books from your TBR pile/s
The rules are listed in the sign-up post.
This year I've decided to go for Pike's Peak, 12 books, somewhat less than last year. The reason for that is that I have a number of chunky fiction and non-fiction books to read - they obviously take a bit longer to get through so I think 12 is more realistic. Of course, if I get there early I can always upgrade.
Some of the books I hope to read through 2020:


Also possible:

And there are a lot of other possibles too *coughcough*, so we'll see. Can't wait for 2020 to arrive now.
Hi Cath,
First of all I congratulate you on your successful, incredible completion of your Mount TBR Challenge! And I'm so interested in the books you've lined up for 2020. It's quite inspiring to me and prompts me to ponder where I will go in 2020. Oh, I don't know. Our beloved dog has turned my life upside down, which is a really, really good thing. We needed some shaking up. But reading has taken a hit. In any case, I wish you all the best with your end-of-the-year reading!
Climb that mountain, Cath! I managed 11 from my own TBR, but I added at least 25 so I seem to be digging a hole instead of climbing a mountain. I visited a used-book bookstore this afternoon and came home with three hardcovers from the Louise Penny Gamache series - but luckily I've already read them. I just wanted to add them to my collection of her books in hopes that I would someday have the complete Gamache series - little real chance of that happening, however, as the early ones are hard to find and expensive if you do find them.
Judith: Thank you, that's very nice of you. Sometimes life takes a different turn and you just have to run with it. That happened to me when our grandson was born in 2006 and we were suddenly caring for a baby 3 days a week while our daughter worked. Reading took a backseat until things settled and it took a while I can tell you! But that's fine, we benefitted in so many ways from that, and are lucky to be close to both our grandkids. Sandy will bring untold pleasure into your lives and your books are not going anywhere, they'll still be there when life settles a bit. I do understand how you feel though.
Sam: I laughed hard at you digging a hole instead of climbing a mountain... me too. In fact out of interest I've opened a Goodreads shelf to chart how many new books I bring into the house next year so I can see if doing Mount TBR actually works. I would not be surprised to find it doesn't. LOL
And I completely understand why you want to own all of the Gamache books. I didn't realise that the early ones had become rare and expensive. If only we knew which series we were going to become addicted to and could buy those early editions to keep right at the start. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Well done, Cath. Tidelands is tempting me too (although I haven't got a copy) and I also have The Morville Hours on my TBR shelves. The kingfisher book and Underground also look very interesting.
The Goodreads shelf for new books is a good idea, although I don't think it will help me reduce my TBRs, but I think it will shock me about how much I spend on books! I'm still deciding about doing Mount TBR in 2020. I really want to cut down on the time I spend blogging and do other things - not cutting back on my reading time though!
Hi Cath,
First of all, many Congratulations on your achievement! I think that reducing your challenge level in 2020 might also be a good idea, in that it will give you a little more time to savour the books you feature for your list, and of course you will then have a little spare capacity to consider the new books you might want to add to your TBR mountain!
I can totally relate to Sam's comment about digging a hole rather than climbing a mountain, to which end I also agree with you about opening a separate Goodreads shelf for incoming books, although that would probably stress me out even more, as I know what the figures would look like after even a short time!
I don't really spend much at all on new books, as NetGalley is a constant source of great ARC downloads, in return for a review of books read. My remaining purchases come from charity shops, so generally not more than £1 a time! I could spend a fortune on new books, but I just know I would never get around to reading them all!
I do enjoy a good Philippa Gregory bok, so 'Timelands' sounds good to me :)
Margaret: Thank you. I do actually have a copy of Tidelands, bought in Asda in Cardiff of all places. The Morville Hours is my new bedtime read. As long as I don't read more than half of it before Jan 1st. it will qualify for Mount TBR 2020. That's unlikely I think.
I'm with you on cutting down on blogging. Not that I blog heaps but I have had to do a lot of reviews this year due to the amount of challenges I've been doing. That's not happening in 2020 so I will blog less I suspect.
Yvonne: Thank you. Yes, absolutely, I can savour what I do read more and not feel stressed that I'm not reading at a certain rate. It takes the joy out of reading somewhat.
I think I probably have a spent a fair bit on new books this year, but my first port of call does tend to be the library if at all possible, then Amazon Marketplace which is slightly cheaper than brand new.
Tidelands will in fact be my first Philippa Gregory book. Can you believe that? It may not be my last...
Take care.
Cath, I am glad to see you are joining the TBR challenge. I plan to do that too and would like to aim high to cut down my piles. But I have no hopes of really cutting down the piles. Every year at the book sale I buy at least as many books as I have read.
I am going the opposite direction on blogging. Now that I am finally almost retired (two days more), I want to take time to review more books and blog more, which the time and stress I spend at work cuts into. Lots of other things too, of course. Gardening for one.
Way to go! I always sign up for reading challenges, but I rarely actually complete them. It's still fun to participate and to have some fun guides to direct my reading.
Tracy: I think 'cutting down the piles' is an impossible dream but we can kid ourselves that we're trying, right? LOL
Wow, is it only two days till retire? So pleased for you. Look forward to seeing you around more next year. I'm thinking I will probably be blogging as much as usual, just differently perhaps.
Susan: I'm getting better at completing challenges but only because I target those I know I'll enjoy. That said there's one I've done hopelessly with this year. Never mind.
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