Thursday 30 April 2020

Books read and jigsaws completed in April

Well, the first complete month of lockdown is behind us. I'm rather assuming that May will be another complete lockdown month but that's fine. Better indoors than six foot under, difficult and strange though it is.

Anyway, books read this month by me number seven. That's a fairly average month because books have to share my spare time with jigsaw puzzles, knitting, baking, gardening and so on.

These are the books:

25. Iron Lake - William Kent Krueger

26. The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax - Dorothy Gilman

27. The Malice of Waves - Mark Douglas-Home

28. Pole too Pole - Michael Palin

29. The Provincial Lady Goes Further - E.M. Delafield

30. A Share in Death - Deborah Crombie (to be reviewed, very good book)

31. The Only Survivor - Katherine Pathak (to be reviewed, very good book)

Goodness, I really did major on the crime fic this month... five out of seven were murder mysteries! No apologies for that though, they were all excellent reads, three being the start of new series and two continuing on with series already started. Only one non-fiction this month but am halfway through another which will count for May.

I did what I often do and picked out a few books for May. Sometimes these books get read, sometimes they don't. I tend to be happy if I get two or three off the pile as I can change my mind within two or three days about what I fancy reading! But these are the books that appeal at the moment. Click for a larger view.

And I mentioned that I've also been doing jigsaws, here're two I did this month.

This is 'Antiquity' by Giovanni Panini, 3000 pieces, puzzle by Trefl.

And this is a one thousand piece puzzle by Ravensburger, entitled Bizarre Bookshp 2 the artwork is by Colin Thompson.

I hope May is a good month for you and that you find some good books to read.

Stay safe.



Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

Hi Cath,

Stop wishing your time away, we technically have to get through this thoroughly cold, wet and miserable day, before April is officially over!

I love both your jigsaws and as I mentioned before, I too thoroughly enjoyed making up 'The Bizarre Bookshop #2', in fact I think I have the first one in this series, somewhere in my pile.

I have just finished making a puzzle and hope to get it up online soon, although I have a manic few weeks ahead with Blog Tours (that's if anyone is working to get the content out of course!).

I have already ear-marked the Dorothy Gilman and Mark Douglas-Home books (nice reviews by the way!). I am also looking forward to you sharing your two outstanding reviews, as these are two more authors I have not read before. Tell me though, I see the Katherine Pathak book is the second in the series - do they work okay as stand alone stories, or is this a series you have been following and which I need to read in order?

Thanks for a lovely post, as always and enjoy the rest of your day :)


DesLily said...

It's a real shame you didn't do anything in April! *snort*.. I did the best reading I have done in years in one month.. 7!!! All Pern books being reread. It has helped me considerably. I don't have to concentrate as hard, which I don't seem to be able to do since all of this has happened... I just hope that's the real reason.

Jeane said...

The bizarre bookshop puzzle looks real fun. I should try cracking out a few puzzles, especially since it's a rainy day now, so no gardening. Really enjoy seeing your header photos they are so pretty- all from your own garden?

Lark said...

Wow. A 3000 piece puzzle! Those are hard. My limit is 1000, although I prefer 500-750. My dad was the big puzzle builder in our family; he could build anything, the harder the better. :)

Val said...

The puzzles look lovely and what a lovely pile of books waiting! I have 3 and am intrigued by the rest..depending on which you choose my curiosity may be satisfied.

It sounds like you are being most productive in spite of the oddness of the World at present.. a wise and comforting approach.

Judith said...

Hi Cath,
I love the two puzzles you finished--each so interesting, and a 3000-piece puzzle in there to boot! Now I'm just curious. In what room and on what kind of table do you do your puzzles?
Ken and I have enjoyed jigsaw puzzles in the past, so I'm wondering if we might pick it up again. We have a beauty packed away. You've inspired me.
I, too, enjoyed perusing your book pile. I think I saw The Woman in White there. If so, there's a real treat in store for you.
I'll be very interested to hear about the two books you recently finished. Sounds like a great month for reading, and it also sounds like you had some decent weather. I hope your garden is coming along. Have you had any lettuce yet?

Cath said...

Yvonne: It might sound a bit mad but I've enjoyed the last two chilly, rainy days. I was rather fed up with wall to wall sunshine and summer temps in April.

Enjoy your book tours, I do hope they go ahead.

Yes, the Katherine Pathak book can be read as a standalone as there is plenty of info on the previous book in it. That said, I probably would, if it were me, start with book one, to get the full effect of the happenings in that.

Pat: LOL... yeah right. I've been following all of your wonderful Pern reviews and it makes me want to read them all again. Although there are a few I still haven't read. All the historical ones for a start.

Jeanne: We're having a break from the garden while a couple of days of rain passes over too. Very welcome after weeks with none. Yes, my header pics are all from our garden.

Lark: The 3000 piece puzzle wasn't actually hard, they just take a while because of the sheer size. Like your dad, I do particularly like hard puzzles though.

Val: I decided to start To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis. It's a time travel sci-fi story. I've had it for years so it's time I read it. I'm trying to keep busy with hobbies, less to time to worry, seems to be working so far.

Judith: I puzzle in our conservatory. I have a large board which I have set up on a coffee table. The board was left over from some wallboards we used when we redid our bathroom. It's a perfect jigsaw board, very sturdy. I do also have a proper jigsaw baord for 1000 piece puzzles which can be packed up and put away. Glad to have inspired you.

Yes, The Woman in White is there, hoping to get that read this month, although I said that last month too.

No lettuce yet, seeds are only just up. Peter repotted the tomato plants today, those are about 4 inches tall so hopefully we should get a good crop this year. Fingers crossed. We've had two days of rain which has been most welcome.

DesLily said...

The Woman in White gets my vote for May!! lol

Margaret @ BooksPlease said...

Your puzzles are beautiful and you had a great reading month! My vote for your next book is Little Boy Lost. It's a beautiful book, but be warned it is heartbreaking!

Judith said...

Wow, Cath. I simply love picturing you in a conservatory working on puzzles. I imagine you grow plants there, and that's it's a very bright place even on a cloudy day? Very curious indeed, as I can't hide. It sounds marvelous!

Sam said...

Cath, both of those puzzles are beautiful, and both of them look like real time-consumers. I haven't gotten back into jigsaw puzzles yet (after my cataract surgery) mainly because my reading already seems to be going slower than ever before. I'm afraid I'd find the same for puzzles, and would end up with little progress to show for either at the end of the month.

Seven books and two large-count puzzles makes a pretty amazing month. pandemic or no pandemic.

Marg said...

I like your jigsaws! We just bought a new one. I am not sure if we will start it this week or later.

Jo said...

Wow! 3k pieces is impressive. I bought some 500 piece ones and have been motoring though them. Surprised myself in how quick they have taken!

TracyK said...

Both of those puzzles are very nice and look very hard. I look forward to the reviews of your last two books. I vote for The Woman in White too, although I see you are reading To Say Nothing of the Dog which is also pretty long. Both are wonderful in different ways. Judith convinced me to read The Woman in White, I had resisted it all of my life, even when my husband would suggest it.

Cath said...

Pat: I'm reading To Say Nothing of the Dog off the pile first but am determined to read The Woman in White *soon*. Maybe even this month! LOL

Margaret: Yes, I've heard that Little Boy Lost is quite heartbreaking, but hopefully knowing that I will be prepared.

Judith: The only plants growing in the conservatory at the moment are Peter's tomato plants. LOL It's a nice room to read, very light, even on overcast days, and perfect for jigsaw puzzles, unless it's a very hot sunny day.

Sam: You're right about finding time for reading etc. I have several hobbies I'm doing during lockdown and apportioning time to them all is tricky. Especially as I also like to keep in touch with family and friends by phone. So not everything gets done every day, but that's ok, it's not a race.

Marg: Wonderful to have a brand new jigsaw puzzle to start. I started a new one a couple of days ago.

Jo: I think it's a perfect hobby for lockdown. One of the few things I do where I completely lose track of time.

Tracy: Funnily enough neither of the puzzles were too hard at all. No huge stretches of sky all the same colour or something.

I'm enjoying To Say Nothing of the Dog. Yes, it's long but I'm motoring through it as it's very readable and great fun. I shall be reading The Woman In White soon... Judith is very persuasive. LOL