On the other hand I'm really enjoying Trollope the Traveller edited by Graham Handley. Lots of fun and very interesting. Here's one little snippet - bear in mind that Trollope worked for the Post Office all his life:
I have said that the cross mail conveyances in Canada did not seem to be very closely bound as to time; but they are regulated by clock-work in comparison with some of them in the United States. 'Are you going this morning?' I said to a mail-driver in Vermont. 'I thought you always started in the evening.' 'Wa'll; I guess I do. But it rained some last night, so I jist stayed at home.' I do not know that I have ever felt more shocked in my life, and I could hardly keep my tongue off the man. The mails, however, would have paid no respect to me in Vermont, and I was obliged to walk away crestfallen.
LOL! A joy of a read. These are just selected writings and I think I may have to see if the actual book of his travels in the USA and Canada is available to buy.

'Trollope the Traveller' sounds interesting. I have, but have only dipped into it, Trollope's 'Autobiography'. He certainly travelled to many countries and amazingly, he had nine months leave from the Post Office to visit America in 1862/3. I must settle down some time and read it properly! I'd also like to read 'Trollope the Traveller' if it's available.
Funnily enough, I saw Trollope's autobiography in the library yesterday but as I was already holding three sturdy tomes I thought I'd leave it for another time. I got my copy of 'Trollope the Traveller' from eBay, one of those 'on a whim' purchases that has worked out perfectly. I see it's available on Amazon though or you're very welcome to borrow mine when or if you decide to read it. Nan and I will be reading The Warden next month. I expect you've read it but if you haven't you're very welcome to join us.
hey Cath: I just got a hardback "like new" copy of Justice Hall by Laurie R King! Paid a whole 2.50 (plus shipping) for it! Waiting for O jerusulem I ordered used for only 3.00!! woohoo!
I hope you got a good price on ebay for that book!
Great finds, Pat. I'm missing old Sherlock so plan to read A Monstrous Regiment of Women next month. I need my fix. LOL!
Did you see my comment about the movie of Inkheart?
about it being delayed??? if so, yes and I responded that it's too long to wait! lol I hope that they change their minds, I sure want to see it and March would be just fine!
I can see into the future. I'll just read Trollope till the end of my days, once I begin next month. :<) How did he do all that writing, plus work, plus travel? People like this amaze me.
Hi Cath - I tagged you for a book meme. No need to thank me :) Check it out at blogginboutbooks.blogspot.com
Hi Nan. I don't know how but some people just seem to be able to pack a lot into their lives. I live life in the slower lane. :-)
Someone said Trollope wrote 47 novels, so what with those and his travel writings you probably could read him till the end of your days. LOL!
Susan: Looking froward to doing the meme!
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