Mma Rammotswe's friend and colleague, Grace Makutsi, is now engaged to Phuti Radiphuti, owner of a local furniture store. Mma Makutsi's circumstances are now completely the reverse to when she started at the No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency, when she was very poor, unable to find employment despite excellent results from her secretarial college, and looking after a very sick brother. Her fiance is a wealthy man and she really has very little need to work at all any more and thus, little things with her job are starting to annoy her... mainly her employer's tendency to find fault with Mma Makutsi's habit of plain speaking, sometimes to the point of rudeness.
Other changes are afoot. Mma Ramotswe's husband, Mr. J.L.B. Matakoni wants to take a more active role in the detective agency and is given a case to investigate. And Charlie, the older of his apprentices, wants to leave the garage where he's an apprentice mechanic, and start a taxi business.
Cases are piling up. The rudest woman in Gabarone wants to know who her husband is having an affair with. A printing business is experiencing petty theft - its owner thinks she knows who the culprit is but needs proof. And in Mma Ramotswe's home village of Mochudi a cousin has reported three deaths in the hospital where he works. It seems the deaths have all taken place in the same bed, in the same ward, on the same day of the week and at the same time. It's peculiar to say the least. Precious investigates but meets a wall of silence, no one, it seems, knows anything. The other two cases are investigated by Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni and Mma Makutsi, but all three eventually surprise everyone with their outcomes.
I never fail to be charmed by this series. Someone (I can't remember who now) on My Life in Books had the first book as one of their book choices. They said that the crime element is really incidental and I would agree with that wholeheartedly. They're really all about the people in them, their relationships with each other, how it's possible to make the world a better place by treating one another with decency and kindness. I would call these books - and thus the author - wise because he stresses in every book that things are not always black and white. People do things for reasons that are not always obvious, sometimes they just don't know any better. In Africa it's often the case that if you sack the breadwinner a whole family starves or a dependent relative who is HIV positive will die for lack of medical attention. These things have to be considered and consider them Mma Ramotswe does. That's probably why she's one of my favourite characters in literature at the moment.
It's all done with such gentle hunour too. Mma Makutsi's 97% at secretarial college is a constant source of wry amusement. But it's often her personal musings that tickle me the most:
... she found herself looking down on the top of Teenie's head; at a small woollen bobble, in fact, which topped a curious tea-cosy style knitted cap which she was wearing. She looked more closely at it, wondering if she could make out an opening through which a tea pot spout might project; she could not see an opening, but there was a very similar tea cosy in the office, she remembered, and perhaps she or Mma Ramotswe might wear it on really cold days. She imagined how Mma Ramotswe would look in a tea cosy and decided that she would probably look rather good: it might add to her authority, perhaps, in some indefinable way.
Oh yes... I can just imagine Mma Ramotswe's face if Grace suggested she put a tea cosy on her head. ;-)
What I would say is that if you like to read only proper crime books then this series is probably not for you. But if you have an interest in Africa and its people, in the dynamics of family or working relationships or just simply love people centred books with a bit of philosophy thrown in, then you could do a lot worse than try this delightful series of books. They're certainly one of my all-time favourite comfort reads.
Hello Cath,
What a lovely review. I have to admit that I have never read any Alexander McCall Smith, but I can't think why, as they get such universal rave reviews.
It's always good to read from a variety of different genres and the book I am reading at the moment is so troubling and gory, that a light hearted read may be just the thing next on my list.
I have read three boks for my 'What's In A Name' challenge, although my current status does need updating to show the third. I was trying to stick to a plan to read all six books for the challenge first, but keep managing to get distracted, especially if an author asks me to read and review, as I do like to reply as quickly as possible.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend
hey sis.. sheesh you beat me with yet another review! cripes! lol I can't keep up with you.. sometimes it sucks being the much older sister lol.. I am enjoying the book I won at Carl's "Among Others" so that will eventually be my next book post
I read like book 5 in this series and liked it, but when I tried to go back and start from the beginning I wasn't very impressed... Have to try again someday!
'Decency and kindness' are just the words, Cath. AMS seems to be the essence of them and that essence flows through all his work. A true force for good in this world, I think. I come away from stories of Mma Ramotswe feeling better about the world and hopeful about the future. Lovely, lovely book review.
Hi Yvonne. It seems people either love AMcS's books or they're not at all keen, so be warned. Worth a try though I would think.
Well, we have all year to read the six books so no need to worry. If push comes to shove the 6 books could all be read in December though it would be a bit of a rush for me. LOL
Pat: my recent books have been shorter quick reads, not like the long ones you're been reading.
You won a book? How did I miss that???
Kailana: the series gets better so it's worth trying again I think. I'm at book 8 and it's one of the best, imo.
Nan: Thank you. I think AMcS writes like no one else I can think of. He's so understanding of human frailty and when you read his books you come away feeling that there might just be hope for us after all.
I too get distracted while in a challenge, great review.
Irene: I think 'distracted' - especially by books - is a way of life for me. lol.
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