I don't usually do birthday posts here, mainly because it tends to be a Live Journal thing to wish all your followers a happy birthday - on Blogger, not so much. But I'm going to today as Pat at
Here There and Everywhere is a very special lady who deserves all the good wishes in the world. I think I'm right in saying that it was one of Carl's challenges that brought us together, most likely one of the R.I.P. ones. Pat commented on one of my posts and you know how it is... we just hit it off. We had a lot in common, both huge fans of Star Trek, both into fantasy books for both kids and adults and so on. There seemed no end to the stuff we had in common. That was several years ago and Pat has become the sister I never had, we e.mail, talk on the phone from time to time and as soon as I can get to Florida we'll be meeting, rest assured. Someone better call a Florida newspaper *that* day! And Hubby had best be ready with several boxes of tissues. Anyway, the point of all this is that it's Pat's birthday today and I want to wish my wonderful, funny, sparkling, smart, amazing 'sister' many happy returns of the day. May you have many more birthdays, Pat, and continue to brighten my life.
And here're some more bluebells to go with you card. And if there aren't bluebells in Kesterwood then there's just no justice!

Happy Birthday, Sis.
that's my sis alright..
thank you again Cath and for and for Tooth and Claw by Jo Walton..heaven knows I don't have enough books! lol lol
you are right I don't celebrate my birthday nor do I even like it. you are at the beginning of learning how fast times goes by ..by my age its like a blink of an eye and it's darn scary!!! so i pretend I'm not getting older..yeah right, that works, ..not! lol lol
Isn't the blogging community wonderful? Happy birthday to Pat
Pat: Hope you enjoy the book. Just going to go and read your review of Wee Free Men...
Apparently you share a birthday with Harry Houdinni... I'm sure you know that. lol
Verity: I think the blogging world is wonderful. You get to meet people you would never have met years ago and often they know you better than your everyday friends at work etc.
What a wonderful post. :) It's great how blogging brings people together!
Kailana: It seems to me that blogging is responsible for some wonderful friendships. :-) In the kind of world we live in today that can only be a good thing, imo.
Making some great new friends, is one of the better side effects of the technology revolution.
I have spoken to people, literally from the four corners of the globe, which makes blogging so worth while for me. It's so much friendlier than I thought it would ever be.
I have visited Pat's blog several times, not least because she lives in Florida, which is a place close to my own heart, so I would like to add my best wishes for a very happy birthday and hope that she has a lovely day
OMG I didn't know yesterday was Pat's birthday!! What a bad son I am :( Happy birthday Mama!!!
Yvonne: Back before computers I was a 'pen-pal' person. I loved corressponding with people all over the world, so the fact that this is now available on my pc via blogging is like all my Christmases rolled into one. I love this facet of the world wide web.
Chris: Your mama and my sis keeps her b/day very quiet. I understand but also think she deserves a little treat from time to time. Even though it puts me in danger of a virtual whacking. ;-)))))
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