Once again there are various options in the form of quests. I'll be doing...

Read at least 5 books that fit somewhere within the Once Upon a Time criteria. They might all be fantasy, or folklore, or fairy tales, or mythology…or your five books might be a combination from the four genres.
I don't know how Carl manages to find such beautiful artwork every time for his challenges but he's done it again. This year's artwork is the work of Anne-Julie Aubry and it is just beautiful.
I'm trying to read a bit more from my tbr pile this year so my pool of books is based mainly on that this time. I suspect I won't just read from that though... I'm certain someone will read something that I must have and will want to read for the challenge. And really that's part of the fun so I'm not going to deny myself that. But if, amongst my books, I can read three or four from this list then I'll be a happy bunny.
The Wood Wife - Terri Windling
Eric - Terry Pratchett
The Ropemaker - Peter Dickinson
The Snow Spider Trilogy - Jenny Nimmo
The Lies of Locke Lamora - Scott Lynch
Labyrinth - Kate Mosse
Jack of Kinrowan - Charles de Lint
The Ill-Made Mute - Cecilia Dart-Thornton
Daughter of the Forest - Juliet Marillier
Some of these have sitting on my tbr pile for years and I know have been on previous OUaT lists of mine. I feel quite ashamed of that but such is the way with book addicts... there are worse sins. :-)
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what others have on their lists and thanks to Carl for once again hosting this brilliant challenge.
You are right, the buttons for this years challenge are beautiful! Good luck!
yah-hooooo! I just posted also lol... I have Labyrinth in my tbr pile too just didn't mention that one ..soo many to list them all!!
I've been wanting The Last Dragonslayer. by Jasper Fforde but amazon keeps saying 3-4 week delivery so I've not ordered it. I 've never read anything by Fforde and now you have one on your list..I will be interested to see how you like his writing.
I am thinking this should be the year that I FINALLY read the Lies of Locke Lamore... I have had that book on my TBR forever.
Oh, The Wood Wife! Boy did I love that book. Terri Windling is such a wonderful author and person and I was nervous about actually reading her book. It did not disappoint. One of my favorites.
Thanks for your enthusiasm and for jumping right in again this year. I hope you enjoy whatever you read.
Hooray Cath!!! The Wood Wife is such an amazing book...one of my favorites :) And don't you just love Anne Julie Aubry's art?? I have a few of her prints and can't wait til I have a house of my own to hang them in!
Hi Cath,
I just loved that art on the buttons Carl is using this year, so when Chris mentioned the artists name I checked it out.
You should take a look at the site if you get a free few minutes, he art and craftwork are amazing and would make fantastic gifts.
Enjoy both your challenges, 'The Once Upon A Time' and committing to read some of the books from your TBR pile!!
We book addicts are quite an unpredictable bunch, so the odds are stacked against you, I would say!!! LOL
Stephanie: I need to check out the artist's website properly, but yes, such beautiful work. Good luck to you too, will check out your post in a minute.
Pat: I'm not sure if I'll like Labyrinth or not. I've read conflicting opinions, so we'll see. I really need to give it a try though as it was a Christmas gift from about four years ago. 8-S
I haven't read anything by Fforde either but Peter and Wendy have both read the series and love it. So for me that's a pretty good guide that they're good. Peter being about the pickiest person I know with books... lol.
Kailana: The Lies of Locke Lamora is about the only book on my pile that I don't feel any guilt over as I've only owned for two months. The rest... well we won't go there...
Carl: I'm determined to actually read The Wood Wife this time. Both you and Chris have recced it and I fancy Pat has read it too (?) and liked it. That's recommendation enough for me.
Thank you, I've already started my first book and already loving it, so I'm sure this is going to be yet another good OUaT challenge for me.
Chris: I'll be sure to read The Wood Wife this time! Also need to properly check out Anne-Julie Aubry's website properly. What I've seen of her artwork looks stunning.
Yvonne: Yes, I have a free afternoon this afternoon so, as well as doing another book review, I'll check out that website.
LOL! yeah, I'm not great at reading from my tbr pile but, starting as I mean to go on (HO HO), my first book is one off that pile - Beauty by Robin McKinley, and I love it already.
I have put The Wood Wife on my pile too for this year, and I have The Ill-Made Mute also! and I have Labyrinth....you and me and Pat should get together and read that one together! lol It might make me finish it :-)
Jasper Fforde is one of my favourite authors and one of his latest is getting on my pile, too! You have a wonderful list there, and as you say, there is always room for the unexpected.....
I love this challenge too! yaay, it's finally here!
PS I'm about to go into our email to answer yours :-)
yes, yes I read the Wood Wife 2 yrs ago I think. I did like it because I like things about American Indians..that's all I'll say lol
I really enjoyed The Eyre Affair. Have fun with it!
Susan: Did you start Labyrinth and not finish it? My husband did the same thing... it didn't hold his interest, which is odd as he generally strives to finish whatever books he starts.
Talking of 'unexpected' I put two more on my list. You'll be interested in one of them, it's St. Lucy's Home for Bad Bloggers...I mean er... Girls Raised by Wolves. Of course, now I have 13 on my list so will have to find one more...
I don't know if you sent an e.mail, Susan? If you did I didn't receive it. Let me know and I'll give you another e.mail address to use.
Chrisbookarama: I know the Jasper Fforde series is beloved by many so it's high time I got to it. It's one of several I'm determined to read this year.
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