Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by
Marg and Claire that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!
I had a good clear out of my library books last week, admitting to myself that I'm only in the mood for undemanding books at the moment. So this is my current library pile:

From the bottom:
The Lost Art of Gratitude & 44 Scotland Street by Alexander McCall Smith. The first is book something or other *g* in his Isabel Dalhousie series, the next in line for me to read anyway. The second, 44 Scotland Street, is the first in the series of the same name which I need to try as so many folk seem to like it. Exactly what I need... another new series.
Library Confidential: Oddballs, Geeks and Gangstas in the Public Library by Don Borchert. An American friend grabbed this from her library and I was astonished to find when I checked that our library had it too. This is a non-fiction book which, I'm guessing, does exactly what it says on the tin...
The Grave Tattoo by Val McDermid. Randon grab, I know she has a lot of fans and it's time to see if I might be one of them.
The Apprentice by Tess Gerritsen. Book two in her Rizzoli and Isle series. I'm expecting more blood and gore...
Pilgrim's Rest by Patricia Wentworth. Another totally random crime book grab.
Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichl. I'm reading this for my Foodie challenge. Almost finished now and have thoroughly enjoyed this look at the life of the New York Times food critic.
So, that's it. Seven books on my library pile at the moment. Nothing too testing but that what I seem to want at the moment, so there you go.
And just to add to this post, a couple of random photos. First up, the first of our spring primroses. The hard winter has knocked them back a bit but a few have come through nicely.

And secondly, my latest jig-saw puzzle:

It's a scene of The Great Smokey Mountains in the USA, one of the most beautiful areas in the world, imo, along with The Blue Ridge Mountains. We brought this puzzle back for our daughter last time we were there in 2006, looking at the size of the box, I'm not sure how, but we did! Anyway, it was lovely to do... very odd shaped pieces which made it not straightforward at all.
Hope everyone is enjoying the start of Spring here in the UK. Elsewhere I gather that winter is still holding some in its icy grip but here we have bright sunshine and Hubby has already started digging the veg beds with a view to planting a few early seeds. Our own veg are a bit of a way off yet but I can't wait.
Hi Cath,
That's a good haul of books, you have there. The Tess Gerritsen, Val McDermid and Patricia Wentworth, all sound like great reads, alhough I have to admit that Patricia Wentworth is someone I haven't read for ages, so it would be a bit like starting from scratch with her books.
They certainly didn't forecast it this nice for today, after the glorious weather yesterday. We were out and about in Mere and Wells and the spring flowers are starting to make a glorious show, in the sheltered sunny spots.
I haven't done a jigsaw puzzle for ages, although I do have a few reall nice ones, I have amassed over the months. I keep looking at them longingly, but something else always seems to crop up. I love some of the odd shaped pieces in your latest, I wonder how long it took you to complete, it's a wonderful picture.
Enjoy the rest of your day
ohhh the primrose is so beautiful and that puzzle looks hard! (even if the pieces are different)
are any of those books for OUaT??
I've cheated by beginning my first for OUat..because it always started on the first day of spring...which is today. am reading the Wee Free Men.
omg! could you imagine the insaneness (is that a word?)if the 3 of us went around England and to Ireland??? LOL.. If I think hard enough about it I could wet my pants! (and I'm old enough not to need much of a reason! lol)
I do that. Randomly purge my library books because they aren't really calling to me...
Yvonne: I like to try 'new to me' crime writers... not that I need more authprs to read! but it's a lot of fun. Both VM and PW are popular I think so I'm hoping I'll like them.
You were in Wells yesterday? How lovely! One of my favourite cities. Must try to take a trip that way soon.
The jig-saw probably took me three or four days, but not doing it all the time of course, an hour here and there. I get backache and neckache if I sit at them too long. I find that charity shops are by far the best places to find inexpensive nice ones though.
Pat: I love primroses... in fact I love most spring flowers.
You're reading Wee Free Men? Hope you like it. It's a series that gets batter and better.
No, none of my pile are for OUaT, though I do have one library book on reserve for it... the wolves book Susan read recently. Can't remember the title. Actually, thinking about it, I'm not sure if that qualifies as fantasy...
Anyway, I have a pile of eight books ready for when Carl posts. If I actually three or four off the pile I'll be happy.
Kailana: I think I just get that I'm fed up looking at the same library pile and need a change of scenery. lol. Or is it that I get them home and, like you said, they stop calling to me? Dunno.
There's nothing more comforting than Alexander McCall Smith! The "44 Scotland Street" series is my personal favourite. Unfortunately, I've never been able to get into his Isabel Dalhousie books. I read the Borchert in January and found it interesting if not fantastic. I hear great things about Ruth Reichl and am really looking forward to trying some of her books myself (in fact, I just picked up Tender at the Bone over the weekend).
Enjoy your loot!
Claire: I'm really looking forward to trying the 44 Scotland Street series, though I have a feeling it'll be yet another series for me to get addicted to. lol
Tender at the Bone is one I want to read too. I was very impressed with the author's writing and think she will be my discovery of the Foodie challenge. Garlic and Sapphires was certainly excellent.
I have the Val McDermid on my shelf to read too! I won't admit how long it's been there for.....I love the jigsaw puzzle, and can I just saw, lovely lovely lovely flowers. We had snow yesterday, so there is no sign of anything growing - going to be quite cold tonight. Your flowers give me hope spring will come one day!
Susan: LOL. I hate to think how many years some of my books have been on tbr shelf. (If I'm being honest... 'shelves').
Wow, you're still getting snow? I suppose we still could, theoretically; I remember snow at Easter a few times. Hopefully not this year though. And I hope Spring is soon with you.
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