"This can be a quick one. Don't take too long to think about it. Fifteen books you've read that will always stick with you. First fifteen you can recall in no more than 15 minutes."
1. Minnow on the Say - Philippa Pearce
2. Frenchman's Creek - Daphne du Maurier
3. Katherine - Anya Seton
4. We Speak No Treason - Rosemary Hawley Jarman
5. Dragonquest - Anne McCaffrey
6. The Valley of Adventure - Enid Blyton
7. Puck of Pook's Hill - Rudyard Kipling
8. The Water Babies - Charles Kingsley
9. The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
10. The Harper Hall trilogy - Anne McCaffrey
11. The Crysalids - John Wyndham
12. Cosmic Engineers - Clifford Simak
13. The War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells
14. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
15. Frederica - Georgette Heyer

I love that many of them are children's books, Cath! Lovely list - and doesn't it just remind us of why reading to children is so important?
and you have Jane Austen, too! :-D
(same same but I hit LJ first lol)
of course mine would be Dragonflight, Dragonqest and the White Dragon, then the Harper Hall Trilogy (that's 6 right off the bat! Then the first 6 Dragonlance series (that's 12) The Hobbit (13)Chariots of the Gods (14)
ummm that's it lol.. best I could do for now!
Hi Susan! I think I could have done this meme ten times over and come up with different books every time. This time though I decided to stick to books I'd read when I was much younger. And now that I've done it I'm finding my list fascinating because, as you said, so many of them are children's books. Yes, it only goes to show how important it is to read to children and to make sure they have access to books.
Hey Pat! I think I meant Dragonflight, not Dragonquest, but hey, they're both fantastic... and The White Dragon, which is my favourite of the three, but I read that one much later than the others so didn't include it. Are you going to post a list?
I dunno lol.. I have another pond pic for tomorrow.. I am still very brain dead, not sure what's wrong I am sleepy all day long, when I go to read I only get a few pages and want to go to sleep, this is very unlike me I have NEVER been able to sleep during the day.. i just made a doc appointment with a clinic doc my girlfriend likes (she's away though) for next tuesday, my other son will take me since this "transport" for med. appointments can't take me for 3 week!.. I don't think things are working out well yet..
I've only read 7, 9 and 14, but those were memorable indeed!
You've got a lot of good ones here I've loved, too! I never heard of Puck of Pook's Hill, though I really enjoy a lot of Kipling's other works. What's that one about?
I the doctor will have some idea what the problem is, Pat. Perhaps it's something as simple as the heat in Florida and you just need to acclimatise.
Nymeth: nice that someone else has read that Kipling as it seems to be fairly unknown.
Jeane: I think I'm right in saying that Kipling's idea for Puck of Pook's Hill was a kind of history lesson for children. Two children meet an elf type character who transports them back in time to various important events in history. The book is set in the Sussex Weald and there's a very strong sense of place. I have three copies of the book - not sure how that happened. The sequel, Rewards and Fairies, is good too.
I read just a few of them. But others sound interesting..I think I am going to put them on the list of books to buy/read.
Vipula: It's quite a personal list, some are very obscure books but many would be enjoyed by most people I would think.
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