I seem to be going through a patch where I'm reading but not reviewing much so it's time to do a bit of catching up. I'll do quick summaries of these two and then I won't be so far behind!
First up -
The Corinthian by Georgette Heyer.

Sir Richard Wyndham is every inch a Regency dandy - tall, dark and handsome, dressed immaculately, a gambler, permanently bored. His mother and sister visit him one day and more or less order him to marry the woman it has been understood he will marry since childhood; he is now 29. Unfortunately the idea doesn't appeal to Richard in the slightest. He gets very drunk the night before he has to go and ask for the woman's hand and on the way home encounters a boy climbing out of a second storey window. Only when he catches 'him' does Wyndham discover that it isn't a 'him' after all... it's a her... one Penelope Creed, aged 17 and merely dressed as boy. Pen is escaping from her adopted family who want her to marry their son. She's on the way to Somerset, to her ancestoral home, and to the man she thinks she wants to marry; Wyndham, in a drunken haze, decides to acompany her. Amongst their many adventures on stage coaches and in coaching inns they discover a stolen necklace, get mixed up with some very rum company indeed, and witness a murder. Will life ever be the same again for either of them?
I hadn't read
The Corinthian in a very long time but a post by Danielle at
A Work in Progress reminded me of how much fun it was, so I dug it out and wallowed in an absolutely wonderful Regency romance. I seem to recall being charmed and amused by it all those years ago, but with the benefit of even more advanced years, the predicament Wyndham finds himself in and the dryness of his sense of humour is now even more appealing. It was fun too because I know the area where the story is set... that of Keynsham and it's surrounding villages... as we lived there from 1975 to 1979. And now of course I want to dig out more Heyers and gorge on them - once upon a time it wasn't unknown for me to read 20 or 30 straight off and end up overdosing. So I shall restrain myself and read a few over the summer, along with other things.
Infernal Devices by Philip Reeve, part 3 of his Mortal Engines series.

The first two books of this YA series concentrate on Tom Natworthy and Hester Shaw who met in the traction city of London and got into all kinds of trouble and adventures, before settling somewhere on the Dark Continent of post-apocolytic USA. In the eighteen years since the last book they have had a daughter, Wren, and are so isolated that they have no idea that a war has been waging for years between the moving 'Traction' cities and the Green Storm. Life is so quiet in fact that Wren is almost driven mad. She wants adventures like her parents had, but all she seems to do is row with her mother. One night she follows the ex-Lost Boy, now grown up, Caul, and discovers him conversing with Lost Boy, Gargle, beside his vessel. It's clear Caul doesn't want to do what Gargle requires and when Caul leaves, Wren takes his place and offers to steal something called 'The Tin Book' for him. She does this, mayhem ensues on the beach, and Wren is taken prisoner by the Lost Boy vessel. She ends up on the floating city of Brighton, a slave to Pennyroyal, the rogue who once tried to kill her father. A lot of people seem to want The Tin Book. What is it and why are they prepared to kill to get hold of it? Meanwhile Tom and Hester are once more out in the world, frantically searching for their lost daughter. Can they reach her before the book reaches the hands of Stalker Fang, the Green Storm leader, and 'she' discovers its true purpose?
Wonderful. Put simply, this YA series is amazing. It's fantasy but not your ordinary run-of-the-mill fantasy (and there's nothing wrong with that either). The author's sheer inventiveness and ability to inject pace into an already exciting plot is just fantastic. And a world where cities move about the world preying and devouring smaller towns, well who would have thought of that? I just can't praise the series highly enough to be honest. The first two books were superb - this third one is even better, in my opinion. I can't wait to read the 4th.,
A Darkling Plain, to see how the author resolves all the issues and ties up loose ends. And now there is a 5th. book,
Fever Crumb, a prequel, which explains how the traction cities and stalkers came into being. Philip Reeve is definitely one of my favourite YA adult authors and long may he continue to write.
wow.. you've been a busy girl!
I didn't do a June wrap up because I only read 3 books again..
It sounds like I've been busy but I still only read my average 6 books this past month. Felt like more! And over the last few days it's been warm and humid here so reading is about all I'm capable of! (Says she who's just done an hour's ironing and is now wilting...)
Wow Cath! I didn't know people still ironed! rotflmfao (rolling on the floor laughin my fat ass off)
Yup, I'm an ironing dinosaur, Pat. Now there's an image to conjur with...
I've never read Georgette Heyer. I'd like to read some of her regency novels.
I just loved this Heyer--it was so much fun. However, that's quite a cover on the copy you have! :) Some of those dust jackets are so dramatic I get a chuckle out of them. I can easily see where you'd want to gorge on her books--I am going to try and pace myself, too!
Nicola: you have so much fun ahead if you're going to try some Heyer Regencies. I can't see how it's possible not to like them to be honest. They're so beautifully written and with such subtle humour. I'd love to hear what you think if you decided to take the plunge.
Danielle: that cover is the Pan cover from er... the 1980s I think. There's one strange thing about it to my mind, and that is that the two people on it are not the actual hero and heroine of the book. Wyndham is there, yes, but isn't the woman Pier's girlfriend? She was the woman who was injured in the woods I think. I find it really odd that the main female character is not featured on this cover and they've used a very minor character instead. I even wondered if they found the fact that Pen is dressed as a boy, throughout the book, a problem. Depicting that might give a few people pause for thought, if you get my drift? ;-)
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