Gerald Durrell by Douglas Botting I bought with part of an Amazon book token. I love Durrell's autobiographical and animal collecting books to bits and have long lusted after this biography. Thrilled to bits to have it at last.
City of Pearl by Karen Traviss is a sci fi novel I saw blogged about somewhere. It sounded interesting so I grabbed myself a copy on Amazon Marketplace.
Born in Fire by Nora Roberts was a birthday gift.
People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks is a book I've long wanted to read but was just waiting for it to crop up in a charity shop. It did and I nabbed it.
Light One Candle by Solly Ganor is a book I read an excerpt from in the book about books, A Passion for Books edited by Harold Rabinowitz and Rob Kaplan. (Coincidentally you can just see it at the top of the photo.) It tells how two young Jewish boys hid books from the Germans during the war and supplied friends and neighbours in the ghetto with various titles. It led to something awful and I was determined to get hold of the book in order to read the author's whole story. I bought this one with the rest of my Amazon book token.
Heir to the Shadows by Anne Bishop. It's here! It's HERE!!!!!

Now all I need to do is work out which of my burgeoning bookshelves can stand the extra weight.
Lovely books!
I have People of the Book and keep meaning to read it next - other books keep getting in the way.
lol, I think it takes superhuman powers to resist getting the next book in The Black Jewels trilogy as soon as you finish one :P Enjoy Heir to the Shadows, as well as the rest of your new books :D
I'm going to be afraid to start Bishop's series now, with all the good things I've been hearing about it... Sounds like there's little need to worry you won't like Heir to the Shadows, but may you enjoy them all!
I have an "all in one" of those Bishop books (all three in one book) one day I will get to them! I have a number of tbr that I really want to get to but have not been reading much at all while preparing to move and then unpacking it all.. soon I hope!
Hi Margaret. My problem is that I have several hundred books getting in the way of each other! It's getting crowded in here... LOL.
Nymeth: I think I'm going to have to order the 3rd. Black Jewels books very soon as I'm sure I'll want to read it quite soon after the 2nd. I'm a lost cause!
Hi Shanra: I've added you to my blog roll. If you start this series be prepared to get hooked on them. The characters are very compelling!
Give yourself time, Pat. You'll get back to reading I'm sure. In the meantime I'm loving your bird photos!
I've stopped posting about how many books I've bought, as I find it frightens me to think about it.
I read the same extract of Light One Candle and have been meaning to read it ever since. I'll be interested to hear about it.
Burgeoning shelves.....LOL! My husband doesn't believe that there are others like me out there.
Good buys,too, Cath. Isn't it lovely to have new books to read??
Sarah: I know... it's actually quite scary how much money I have wrapped up in my tbr mountain.
Interested to hear that you saw that same extract as me - I was completely horrified by it but also fascinated. I'll reprt back on the book when I've read it.
Oh yes, Susan, there are certainly people out there just like you. My husband shudders every time he comes in here to my study and looks at how much weight I have on the shelves he put up. Why do husbands put up bookshelves, I wonder, and then get surprised when you *use* them???
There's nothing like a new book *fix* to cheer me up... or a library fix: I'm not fussed.
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