Friday 18 September 2009

Book giveaway

I've just been sorting out some books to go to the charity shop. Yes, I know, this in itself is worthy of a post all of its own. What am I thinking??? *cackle* And even then I ended up deciding to keep half a dozen that I'd put aside. I'm pathetic. There are a few books though, that I don't want to send to the charity shop and I was wondering if anyone who reads this blog would like them? These are the books:

The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray by Chris Wooding (YA horror)
The Shape of Water by Andrea Camilleri (Italian crime)
Crossed Wires by Rosy Thornton (modern fiction)
Mr Timothy by Louis Bayard (Victorian historical crime sort of thing)

They're free to a good home and I will post anywhere. All in good condition, read only once or twice and all, in my opinion anyway, good reads. Crossed Wires was a review copy from the author so I would like to pass it on to someone else who will read and review it too. Leave a comment saying which one you would like and if more than one person wants a specific book then I'll do a draw.


DesLily said...

wait.. a book giveaway? what happened to the photo's?? huh? huh? huh? lol

Cath said...

Hehheh. ;-) Well, it's like this, M'am, 40 books arrived in the post yesterday and His Nibs asked me if to find somewhere to put 'em. So that got priority while he was walking the grandson this morning. Photos to come soon, I promise. *But* I found room for the books, can you believe that??? 8-O

Cath said...

Btw, Pat, Mr. Timothy would have been yours had the print not been rather small. *sigh*

DesLily said...

awwww but thank you for remembering my not so great eyesite! lol..

Booklogged said...

I don't even know where to start. Like DesLily I'm looking forward to seeing your vacation pictures,too. But I want to know about His Nibs! How did he get that cute nickname? I love how the English talk - 'he was walking the grandson' - across the sea we would probably say walking with the grandson. I like yours better.

Free books - of course, I'm in! I checked out a brief synopsis of each and the one that interests me the most is Mr. Timothy. I'll email you my mailing address.

Thanks, Cath. You have a big heart.

Cath said...

Pat: no worries. I was looking at the Chris Wooding YA book which is kind of Gothicky and Victorian and the print is very readable, so I might pop that one off to you rather than take it to the charity shop. If you don't want to read it your grandson might enjoy it.

Booklogged: My 'day out' photos are now up on the post after this one.

Yeah, for a small country we have some odd ways of expressing ourselves in the UK. lol. Pat will tell you that my husband speaks BBC English and thus sounds slightly posh, so 'His Nibs' suits him perfectly. ;-) Whereas I speak with a Cornish accent and could never in a million years be called 'posh'. LOL.

Thanks for your mailing address. Looks like the book will be yours as there don't appear to be any other takers.

Vipula said...


I would be interested in The Shape of Water by Andrea Camilleri (Italian crime) - I have never read Italian Crime and this sounds interesting.
But I live in India so am not sure if its feasible for you to post it there

Cath said...

Hi Vipula. It's no problem for me to post to India so I'll put your name down for that one. I'll wait a few days to see if there are any more takers (I don't think there will be) and then post it off. Let me have your mailing address - I think my e.mail address is on my user page somewhere.

The book you've chosen is pretty good. I really like crime books set in other countries - in fact I'm reading one set in India at the moment: Inspector Ghote's First Case by H.R.F. Keating. I absolutely love it.

Susan said...

rats, the two I was interested in are taken! I have my own copy of Crossed Wires (thanks to your early review I also received one...still have to read it), and I'm not sure about the YA horror one. Oh well! You already sent me a lovely book this year!

Cath said...

Susan: I'm pretty sure I'll be giving away more books soon. My new charity shop pile has already been started, I'm on a mission not to keep everything I read so that I have room for anything new I might buy. Well, that's the plan anyway...