First up, Birds, Beasts and Relatives by Gerald Durrell.

For my money though the best chapter is the first where Durrell describes how his sister, Margot, is sent to London to cure her acne. She stays with the two least eccentric (this being relative term in the Durrell family) relations, Cousin Prue and Great Aunt Fan. Unfortunately Margot gets in with the wrong crowd and discovers spiritualism. A medium, Mrs. Haddock, attaches herself to the girl, and so does an Indian spirit guide known as Mawake. Thoroughly alarmed, 'Mother' and Gerald set off for London to save Margot from herself. This whole chapter is extremely funny and makes me think the world of fiction missed something when Gerald Durrell settled for writing mainly non-fiction, natural history books - wonderful as those are.
As always with Durrell, this is a thoroughly charming book, very much of its time and place. Beautiful... and I adore that cover. I must make it a priority this winter to read Douglas Botting's biography.
'Lulled by the wine and the throbbing heart of the boat's engine, lulled by the warm night and the singing, I fell asleep while the boat carried us back across the warm, smooth waters to our island and the brilliant days that were not to be.'
The war loomed of course, which brings me neatly on to, On Hitler's Mountain, by Irmgard Hunt.
At this time of year my thoughts tend to veer towards two things. One is of course, creepy books for Carl's challenge, but the other is books about the two world wars. Armistice Day in November prompts this but this year it was also prompted by the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of WW2 a couple of weeks ago. The BBC had a weeklong feature of documentaries and news items and long may they continue to do this kind of thing, especially as the last serving British 'Tommy' from WW1 has recently died and there is always the danger that people might now begin to forget.

Irmgard Paul was born on the 28th. May 1934 on Saltberg (Salt Mountain) in the Alpine village of Berchtesgaden in Germany. She was the eldest daughter of parents, Max and Albine Paul, Max a painter and Albine a housewife. Adolf Hitler was already Chancellor of Germany and Irmgard's parents were delighted with Hitler's success and pleased with the direction their country was going in. After the years of rampant inflation it seemed like their country was at last a place to be proud of once again.
The first few years of Irmgard's life were idyllic. The family were not well off but village life in the Alps was happy, everyone knew and supported each other, the surroundings were stunning - hiking in the mountains a commonplace activity. And life was made more interesting by one rather startling fact - Hitler's mountain retreat, the Berghof, was on their mountain: they were neighbours.
At three Irmgard earned herself a name by being the child Hitler put on his knee:
'he crouched down, waved to me, and said, "Komm nur her, mein Boppele," (Come here, my little doll). Suddenly I felt scared and shy. I hid behind my mother's skirt until she coaxed me firmly to approach him. He pulled me onto his knee while his photographer prepared to take pictures. The strange man with the sharp, hypnotic eyes and dark mustache held me stiffly, not at all like my father would have, and I wanted to cry and run away. But my parents were waving at me to sit still and smile. Adolf Hitler, the great man they so admired, had singled me out, and in their eyes I was a star. As the crowd applauded, I saw my grandfather turn away and strike the air angrily with his cane.'
Irmgard's grandfather loathed and despised the Nazis and, in future years, had to be protected from himself as he was not backward in coming forward with his opinions. The danger obvious when, while at school temporarily in her grandparents town of Selb in Northern Germany, a teacher tried to get Irmgard to inform on her own grandfather. And this was the problem after war broke out. Max and Apline, although supporters of Hitler and the war, were not fanatical Nazis. And your dealings with neighbours in the village now depended on who was and who wasn't a true Nazi. You could be bullied or informed on for not doing your bit to support the cause. Not only that, Hitler's child euthanasia programme meant that disabled children were at risk. One family had two such children, one, severely disabled, was removed to an asylum and 'died of a cold' as the family were later informed. The second child, who had learning difficulties but was not quite as disabled, became a child protected by the whole village, not attending school or hospitals, to all intents and purposes a 'non-child' and hidden away until the end of the war.
After Irmgard's father, Max, was drafted and sent to France, life became much harder for the family. And as everyone in the village was in the same boat everyone came together to survive. Tragically, Max became of one the early casualties of the war, killed, they suspected, by the French resistance. Once again it gave the family a certain notoriety in the village, the inference being that they should be proud of the sacrifice. Of course what it meant in reality was more hardship, but complaining was not an option, that would make you a traitor to the German cause.
I could go on and on about this book until I've retold the whole thing. Truthfully, it needs to be read for yourself. It's a book that is on the one hand quite frightening - a warning as to how a country can come under the influence of an evil regime without realising it has happened. Or rather, they 'knew' but they just weren't told the full extent, obviously, of the deceit. On the other hand there's an uplifting feel to this story. A feeling that whatever happens, however bad things get, human beings are resourceful and will cope one way or another.
The Jewish question hardly impinged on their lives. They had some idea of what was happening but there were no Jews in the valley and their own lives were so hard that they didn't give it much thought. That part of it I found disquieting, as though somehow they 'should' have known and cared. That's probably unfair of me. What cheered me up was hearing how a minority opposed Hitler. When the bombs were falling and people cursed the Allies, someone, I forget who, shouted that this was not the Allies' fault, it was Hitler's. On another occasion an anti-Nazi neighbour took hold of a globe atlas, pointed out all countries arrayed against Germany and their size, and asked if anyone had shown this to Hitler lately.
It was interesting too, to read about the time after the war. When American cigarettes became the currency of Germany, how the country was partitioned and people were glad not to be in the Russian sector, and how the villagers invaded the Berghof and found the hoarded food, enough to feed a starving village for a year. The full extent of the treachory was then apparent and fanatical Nazis hung themselves rather than face the Nuremburg trials.
I think this is probably the best book I've read about the war years from the German point of view. It's told in a very matter-of-fact and honest manner, which makes it all the more chilling really. At the same time it's also a very beautiful book. The author's love of this part of Bavaria shines out of her words and, despite the awful subject matter, reminded me of every book I've ever read about the Alps and made me want to go there. I hope lots of people will go out and get this book - it should be read for many many reasons but most of all because it's a fantastic read.
There's an interesting website here that shows then (Nazi occupied) and now photos of the village of Berchtesgaden.
Oh my goodness...reading your review of Hitler's sounds so familiar I think I may have read it but I can't remember. Frustrating. I wish someone had sent me to London during the acne years. It would have done a lot to alleviate all that adolescent drama. Durrell is a new to me author. I will have to check him out.
I love Gerald Durrell. My grandmother turned me on to his books when I was a kid visiting her in the summers in Seattle. Aside from everything else he wrote, Lawrence also wrote a memoir of Corfu - Prospero's Cell - which is a nice counterbalance.
I have only read a few of Durrell's books- and those about zoo animals and collecting, not his family. I'm eager to find these, now, too!
Book Psmith: On Hitler's Mountain was first published in 2005, so is not something you might have read years ago if that helps.
Gerald Durrell is almost certainly more well known in this country than elsewhere. He did a huge amount of work in his lifetime to save endangered species, had a TV series, and a zoo on the island of Jersey. Altogether led a fascinating life so his books are excellent.
Caitlin: Oh, I didn't know that lawrence Durrell had written a Corfu memoir! Must see if the library has that. Thanks for that tip-off.
Jeane: the Corfu books are very much about wildlife as well as Durrell's eccentric family. They're a really nice mix, and humorous too.
I must pull out my copy of this book! It's interesting to read about the war from the other side. Isn't it hard trying to write about a book like this when it has so much information? If you are interested in more books like this you might try Christabel Bielenberg's The Past is Myself--an Englishwoman who married a German and lived there during the war years--I read it years ago so have forgotten much of it but I recall I thought it excellent at the time. Also A Woman of Berlin written by an anonymous (German) woman who was living in the Russian sector after the war. Extremely disturbing but she was a journalist so wrote in a straightforward manner not looking for sympathy knowing what her country was responsible for. Thanks for writing about this--I'll have to move my copy from the bookshelves to my bedside stack!
On Hitlers Mountain looks interesting. I will have to add that to my wish list!
Hitler's Mountain is now high on my wish list - what an amazing book.
I can certainly tell how much you liked Hitler's Mountain. It seems we can talk a whole lot more when we've been impressed!
Glad that this one was so good. Now i hope you can get it out of your head to enjoy another book.. extremely enjoyed books tend to not want to leave our heads!
Danielle: you're right, when a book is packed full of information it's quite hard to choose what to write about. I just know you would enjoy this one, I'm certain it's going to be one the best things I'll read this year. I've heard of Christabel Bielenberg's book but never seen a copy. I've just checked the Devon library catalogue and there's *one* copy in the county, so I've put a reserve on it. Thanks for the rec.
Kailana: it's an absolutely fascinating book. I learnt such a lot.
Margaret: you're right, it is an amazing book, I'm so fascinated by this whole subject of social history based on the two world wars.
Pat, oh I can yak for England on a book I've loved. LOL! I now have two completely different books on the go and am, luckily, enjoying them a lot.
About the Durrell books, if I was only going to read one should I read the first or the one you just reviewed with all 'the best bits'?
I was able to find On Hitler's Mountain and put it in my shopping cart. I looked at the pictures of Berchtesgaden. That was interesting. I bet it will be more so after I read the book.
I have only read one book by Gerald Durrell - Two in the bush - and enjoyed it so much that I have been wanting to read his other more famous works. I really liked your review though and will look out for it in the bookstore
Vipula: you can often find Durrell's books on eBay, look out for the illustrated ones as those are the nicest.
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